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The 10th traditional meeting of the Hoa people in Can Tho City
Date: 27/08/2023

On the morning of August 25, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Ngoc He attended the 10th traditional meeting of the Hoa people in Can Tho City. The gathering aims to review the revolutionary tradition of the Hoa people in Can Tho City, promote the patriotic emulation movement, celebrate important events, and reward individuals and collectives with outstanding achievements in various fields.
Musical performance at the meeting

The Hoa people in Can Tho City mostly originate from the southern provinces of China (mainly Guangdong and Fujian). The Hoa community lives mainly in the districts of Ninh Kieu, Binh Thuy, Cai Rang, O Mon, and Thot Not. Vietnamese is their language of daily communication while Teochew and Cantonese are mainly used for family communication. The Hoa in Can Tho has 20 traditional beliefs and religious establishments (pagodas, communal houses, cemeteries) and a Chinese language school.

The Hoa people in Can Tho City are not as numerous as in neighboring provinces, but many of them are white-collar workers or businessmen. Moreover, they have a good tradition of mutual assistance and unity. Therefore, they build a strong community and extensive business relationships at home and abroad.

The Hoa community lives in harmony with the Kinh, Khmer, and other ethnic groups in Can Tho City. They also support the Party and State's guidelines and policies. Business activities of the Hoa have developed significantly and expanded to many fields, contributing to the economic growth of Can Tho City and creating more jobs for workers. Their cultural, educational, and social activities are increasingly enhanced and have many progressive aspects.

On this occasion, many individuals and collectives in the Hoa community received the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee for making great contributions to the economic, cultural, and social development of Can Tho City during the 2021 - 2023 period.

Over the years, Can Tho authorities have implemented a number of policies and created favorable conditions for the Hoa people to improve their lives in many aspects. Specifically, the rise of the middle class and the decline in poverty showed the thriving of the Hoa community in Can Tho City. By the end of 2022, the number of poor Hoa families was only 15, accounting for 0.42% of the total number of ethnic Hoa households in the city.

Can Tho authorities presented gifts and scholarships (each worth 1 million VND) to the students and families of the Hoa ethnic group with difficult circumstances in the city.

Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Ngoc He emphasized the importance of the Hoa community in the development of Can Tho City. Over the years, the Hoa people have actively participated in socio-political organizations, reflected in the increasing number of Hoa people recognized as party members and union members. Moreover, the Hoa people actively respond to patriotic emulation movements, and social charity work, and contribute to the successful implementation of the city's socio-economic and cultural development as well as national defense.

Vice Chairman Nguyen Ngoc He asked relevant agencies and departments to pay close attention to the Hoa community in Can Tho and create favorable conditions for them to work, study, and preserve their cultural identity. 

Kim Xuyen - Translated by Hoang Dat







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