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Research to explore potential and promote urban river economy
Date: 26/06/2024

(CT) – On June 24th, Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu, Alternate Member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee, conducted a survey of planned locations for river ship terminals in the city. Comrade Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of the Can Tho City People's Committee, along with leaders of departments, committees, sectors, district People's Committees, attended the survey.
Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu (front row, right side) surveys the floating market boat terminal in Cai Rang, Cai Rang district.

The delegation conducted surveys along the Hau River route in O Mon district, Binh Thuy district, and Ninh Kieu district; the Khai Luong Canal and Binh Thuy River route in Ninh Kieu district and Binh Thuy district; the Can Tho River route in Ninh Kieu district, Cai Rang district, and Phong Dien district. In addition, surveys were conducted at various terminal points, including the Nam Nha Pagoda, Binh Thuy Communal House, Binh Thuy district; the old Can Tho ferry terminal, Ninh Kieu district; the Cai Rang floating market boat terminal, Cai Rang district; and the My Khanh Tourism Area boat terminal, Phong Dien district...

Based on the actual surveys, Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu emphasized that the Hau River and Can Tho River currently have untapped advantages in terms of the river. The Department of Transport, in coordination with the Department of Construction, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the city, and relevant district People's Committees, will review the planning along these two river routes. On that basis, propose the City People's Committee to develop planning and projects along the river, deploy closed embankments along these two river routes, embellish the wharves... integrating transportation and tourism to maximize the advantages of the river and develop the urban river economy. At the same time, the Department of Transport, in coordination with the City Police, will handle cases of encroachment on the rivers by boats, ensuring the safety of boat traffic as well as the urban landscape...

Source: Can Tho Newspaper - Translated by Chi Nguyen







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