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Can Tho hosted a meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day
Date: 23/06/2024

On June 21, Can Tho City Journalists Association coordinated with Can Tho Municipal Department of Information and Communications to hold a meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925 - June 21, 2024) and the closing ceremony of the 18th Phan Ngoc Hien Journalism Award in Can Tho City, 2023 - 2024.
Chairman of Can Tho City People’s Committee Tran Viet Truong attended the meeting to celebrate the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day.

Those in attendance included Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Tran Viet Truong; Head of the Propaganda Department of Can Tho City Party Committee Nguyen Ngoc Tam; Permanent Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Can Tho City Tong Van Nhin; President of Can Tho City Journalists Association and Editor-in-Chief of Can Tho Newspaper Truong Van Chuyen; Deputy Director of Can Tho City Department of Information and Communications Duong The Dung; as well as many authors, writers, and journalists.

At the meeting, Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Tran Viet Truong, expressed his wish for journalists to uphold the tradition of Vietnamese revolutionary journalism. He encouraged each journalist to continue learning and practicing, emphasizing the importance of being an ideological and cultural front soldier. Additionally, he urged them to effectively promote the Central Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and to highlight exemplary individuals and good deeds that embody the spirit of President Ho Chi Minh. This, he believed, would contribute to creating societal consensus.

Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Tran Viet Truong delivered a speech at the meeting.

Can Tho City is committed to providing the best working conditions for journalists in the area. Chairman Tran Viet Truong suggested that the press deliver quick, accurate, objective, and honest information about all activities of the party organization and government apparatus as well as the production and social-cultural activities in the city.

Chairman Tran Viet Truong also emphasized the importance of local press agencies paying regular attention to nurturing a team of talented and virtuous journalists with strong political courage, good expertise, pure professional ethics, and a strong commitment to completing all tasks assigned by the city. Local newspapers are expected to actively shape public opinion, create consensus in society, and effectively play a role in social criticism. These efforts will contribute to building clean and strong party organizations and government apparatus, a professional and modern administration, and a more civilized and modern Can Tho City.

Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Tran Viet Truong awarded first prizes to the winners at the event.

On this occasion, the Vietnam Journalists Association of Can Tho City reviewed and honored outstanding journalists at the 18th Phan Ngoc Hien Journalism Award for 2023-2024. This year, 321 entries were submitted by 210 authors and journalist groups from the Mekong Delta region, both professional and amateur. The jury noted an increase in both the quantity and quality of entries, showcasing a diverse range of in-depth regional issues. Out of the submissions, 48 works were selected by the organizing committee and jury to receive first, second, third, and consolation prizes in different categories. The first prize winners were presented with certificates of merit by the Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee.

Phuong Thao - Translated by Hoang Dat







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