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Temporary regulation on “Safe and flexible adaptation and effective control over the COVID-19 pandemic” in cultural, sports, and tourism activities
Date: 17/11/2021

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city has just issued a temporary regulation on “Safe and flexible adaptation and effective control over the COVID-19 pandemic” in cultural, sports and tourism activities.
Businesses, resorts, and tourist attractions will follow the city’s temporary regulation to resume operations after the temporary suspension due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo: Duy Khoi

Specifically, companies, individuals, and organizations need to develop plans for pandemic prevention and control at each phase. Moreover, they need to take responsibility for implementing measures to ensure the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic according to regulations such as complying with the 5K message, using QR codes and apps for medical declarations, vaccination, preparing temporary isolation areas when there is a suspected case, etc.

Specifically, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city issued a temporary regulation on “Safe and flexible adaptation and effective control over the COVID-19 pandemic” in cultural, sports and tourism activities at each phase corresponding to the level of the pandemic in the city of Can Tho. In terms of cultural and sports activities, they are festivals; libraries, cinemas, establishments and locations for cultural and artistic performances; monuments, museums; business establishments, gaming centers (without internet connection), karaoke, discotheque; club; indoor and outdoor sporting events.

As for tourism activities at all pandemic levels, testing is only required for tourists, visitors using services in business establishments, in one of the following cases: being suspected or indicated epidemiological investigation coming from areas with level 3 of the pandemic; coming from an area with level 4 of a pandemic or a medical isolation area (blockade). The test does not apply to local residents. Tourism business establishments are clearly instructed on how to organize tourist services according to the level of the pandemic in each locality, strictly ensuring the regulations on pandemic prevention and control.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat







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