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Inspections of accommodation establishments in the new normal
Date: 10/11/2021

On November 9th, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city coordinated with relevant departments to carry out an inspection of the implementation of the temporary regulation on “Safe and flexible adaptation and effective control over the COVID-19 pandemic” and the observance of legal provisions in business activities of tourist accommodation at TTC Hotel - Can Tho and International Hotel - Can Tho.
Can Tho city’s task force at TTC Hotel - Can Tho

TTC Hotel - Can Tho operates at an average capacity of 20-25% and currently its capacity is only 5%. The unit has well-implemented temporary regulation on safe and flexible adaptation and effective control over the COVID-19 pandemic in the new situation. Concretely, TTC Hotel - Can Tho established a steering committee for COVID-19 prevention and control, a COVID-19 safety team as well as developing plans according to each stage. The reception of guests is carried out in accordance with regulations on 5K message, vaccines, PCR testing, etc. Furthermore, the hotel carefully arranges isolated areas and a response plan in case of suspected cases of COVID-19.

The International Hotel has just reopened, but it has been well-implementing the instructions on pandemic prevention and control, such as 5K message, disinfecting the hotel, arranging isolation areas, and so on.

Currently, all staff members at TTC Hotel and International Hotel have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Specifically, over 90% of TTC staff members have been fully vaccinated. At the moment, the 2 hotels only accept visitors on business trips, civil servants, long-stay customers. Moreover, all visitors must book rooms in advance through the hotel’s system. The two hotels are facing many difficulties in maintaining operations with a capacity of only 20-30% and paying for staff members.

Mr. Nguyen Minh Tuan, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city, suggested that TTC Hotel and International Hotel continue to update and well-implement temporary regulations on safe and flexible adaptation and effective control over the COVID-19 pandemic in the new situation, ensure the safety of employees and guests; at the same time, continue to well comply with the provisions of the law in the business of tourist accommodation.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat







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