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Can Tho city’s leaders work with GIZ on climate and disaster risk management project
Date: 08/08/2022

On the afternoon of August 1st, Mr. Nguyen Van Hong, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city and some departments of the city had a meeting with the German International Development Cooperation Agency (GIZ) to evaluate the project “Integration of disaster and climate risk management through digitized risk information and financial solutions to prevent risk” in Can Tho city and the Mekong Delta region.
Can Tho city’s leaders work with GIZ on climate and disaster risk management project

During the meeting, Mr. Oliver Milosch, leader of the expert group representing GIZ, said that this project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and prioritized for deployment in the provinces and city of the Mekong Delta. The project will be implemented in 3 years, from 2023 to 2025 and is expected to start in the first quarter of 2023. The project aims to improve the institutional capacity of Vietnamese agencies by leveraging climate and disaster risk information to help take informed decisions; support the selection and implementation of financial and insurance solutions to prevent climate and disaster risks for infrastructure.

Accordingly, the proposed focus areas for the project revolve around the collection, processing, provision and dissemination of selected infrastructure data; build capacity in terms of techniques and methods for making sound risk decisions in the context of climate and disaster risk management for infrastructure; promote new technologies to enhance transactional data in data processing; implement training measures and forms of knowledge exchange on the technical aspects of financing disaster risk reduction, climate ...

The representative of GIZ presented solutions for the implementation of the project and proposed potential contents of the project by continuing to build databases and information systems on risks (assets, infrastructures, climatic phenomena, natural disasters, etc.), continue to develop standardized risk models for critical infrastructures, continue to develop scenarios and analyzes on climate change and natural disasters, improve the technical capacity of relevant agencies through training measures . .. With regard to financial risk prevention measures, the expert group proposed to identify potential sources of financing that can be used for disaster and climate risk prevention for infrastructure and mobilize resources if necessary; process risk information to build financial solutions…

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Van Hong, Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee, shared that Can Tho City has now implemented a number of investment projects to construct works prevention projects such as road upgrading and rehabilitation works, culvert systems, flood control urban embankments and a number of technical infrastructure management database projects... Through the During the exchange, Vice Chairman Nguyen Van Hong expressed his wish that the GIZ team of experts advise, train and provide technical support to local managers and professionals through practical experience in the management of technical infrastructures. At the same time, GIZ will sponsor equipment, technology and technical infrastructure for Can Tho City to effectively respond to natural disasters and adapt to climate change.

Source: Kim Xuyen - Translated by Hoang Dat







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