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Establishment of the Mekong Delta Society of Hypertension (MSH) Association and the Vietnam Hypertension Intensive Research and Treatment Center 2
Date: 16/06/2024

On June 15, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien attended the 6th Vietnam Hypertension Conference in 2024, organized by the Vietnam National Heart Association, Vietnam Hypertension Association, Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Can Tho Central General Hospital, Can Tho City Cardiovascular Hospital.
Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Minh, Chairman of the Vietnam National Heart Association, awarded the Decision to establish the Mekong Delta Society of Hypertension (MSH) Association and the Vietnam Hypertension Intensive Research and Treatment Center 2 at the 6th Vietnam Hypertension Conference in Can Tho City.

The 6th Vietnam Hypertension Conference in Can Tho City has the participation of leading experts on hypertension and cardiometabolic diseases from countries such as Japan, Malaysia, India, China-Hong Kong, Thailand, Myanmar, etc.

During the conference, Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Minh, President of the Vietnam National Heart Association, emphasized that hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. It leads to high rates of complications and deaths globally, including in Vietnam. The economic impact of hypertension is significant due to treatment costs and disease-related consequences. Worldwide, approximately 10.8 million deaths occur each year due to this health issue, and this number is expected to rise as the global population grows older.

According to Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Minh, President of the Vietnam National Heart Association, hypertension is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease, with high rates of complications and deaths in the world as well as in Vietnam.

In Vietnam, screening results of the MMM program from 2017 to the present indicate that the prevalence of hypertension is 30.1% among individuals aged 18 and above. Despite the availability of antihypertensive drugs, global data reveals that just over half of individuals with hypertension are aware of their condition. Additionally, only slightly over one-third of individuals undergoing treatment for hypertension are able to maintain their blood pressure within the target range as per current recommendations.

According to Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Minh, the Vietnam Hypertension Association and the Vietnam National Heart Association have recently directed their efforts toward reducing the burden and cardiovascular risks associated with hypertension in the community. Notably, the Vietnam Hypertension Conference is one of the initiatives aimed at assessing and consolidating experiences from both domestic and international efforts, including community-based activities.

This year’s conference, entitled “Intersection of Hypertension with Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases in 2024”, focuses on hypertension and related diseases such as diabetes, obesity, lipid disorders, and co-morbidities like coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, and breathing disorders. It will also cover complications of brain stroke, heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmias, and visual impairment. The conference also introduces new methods like genetics, renal sympathetic ablation, ultrasound, and MRI. Additionally, the conference includes the latest recommendation reports on hypertension from Asia (HOPE Asia Network) and Europe (ESC/ESH).

According to Dr. Lai Van Nong, Director of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, this event is important for strengthening the national high blood pressure screening and treatment network. The conference aims to enhance scientific research and improve treatment coordination and technology transfer in the field of hypertension in the Mekong Delta region, ultimately benefiting the local population with improved healthcare.

International experts and specialists are honored at the conference.

Several extracurricular activities were organized during the conference, including a walking parade and the launch of a hypertension screening program - MMM 2024. The conference participants also witnessed the establishment of the Mekong Delta Society of Hypertension (MSH) Association and the Vietnam Hypertension Intensive Research and Treatment Center 2.

Vice Chairman Nguyen Thuc Hien and representatives of relevant organizations and agencies received flowers from the conference organizing committee.

On the morning of June 14, the Vietnam Hypertension Association, in collaboration with Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Can Tho Central General Hospital, and Can Tho City Cardiovascular Hospital, held a ceremony to launch the “Measure Your Blood Pressure in May” program in 2024, with the theme “Measure your blood pressure correctly – Control your blood pressure well - Live healthily”.

Following the ceremony, delegates participated in a walking parade to promote the importance of regular exercise and blood pressure monitoring. The objective was to encourage medical facilities, healthcare professionals, students in the health sector, and the community to join efforts in preventing obesity and hypertension, contributing to a healthy community.

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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