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Can Tho organizes dialogue between businesses, cooperatives, and the city government
Date: 05/06/2024

On the morning of May 30th, the Department of Planning and Investment, in coordination with the Department of Home Affairs, the Can Tho Promotion Agency organized the conference "The 1st Dialogue between businesses, cooperatives, and the city government in 2024".
Scene at the conference “The 1st Dialogue between businesses, cooperatives, and the city government in 2024”

The conference was attended by Mr. Tran Viet Truong, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee; Mr. Duong Tan Hien, Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee; Mr. Tong Van Nhin, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Can Tho City; representatives of the leadership of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry's branch in the Mekong Delta, leaders of departments, agencies, district and provincial People's Committees; associations and representatives of 70 businesses and cooperatives in the city.

Continuing to accompany businesses

At the conference, the city's leadership acknowledged many opinions, feedback, and proposals from businesses and cooperatives regarding the functions and tasks of the Cantho Export Processing and Industrial Zones Authority and the Cantho Industrial Park Infrastructure Construction JSC; obstacles related to land procedures, land clearance and compensation work; support for businesses to access preferential loan policies for investment and development; social insurance policies for workers in the amended Social Insurance Law; investment and upgrading needs for electricity, water, and transportation systems to ensure the livelihood of residents and tourists in the agricultural tourism cooperatives on Con Son Islet; training plans for skilled local labor to meet the recruitment needs of businesses replacing workers quit their jobs; land use conversion needs for expanding production and business activities; guidelines for overtime work procedures for workers... Most of the opinions raised by businesses and cooperatives at the conference were specifically addressed by the city's departments and agencies.

Mr. Tran Viet Truong, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee and Chairman of the People's Committee, speaking at the conference.

Speaking at the conference, Chairman of the People's Committee Tran Viet Truong expressed gratitude to the city's business community and entrepreneurs for their efforts in overcoming difficulties, actively supporting, and making significant contributions to the city's development process in the past. At the same time, he highly appreciated the participation, shared responsibilities, and dedication of the business community in addressing the common difficulties that the city has been facing recently; many opinions have contributed important and focal points, reflecting the dedication of businesses and entrepreneurs to the city's development.

The Chairman of the City People's Committee stated that through exchanges, contacts, and understanding of the situation, the city's leadership has recognized that the business community is currently facing many difficulties and challenges. These include difficulties in importing raw materials for production, exporting goods, and consuming agricultural products. Many goods are being stockpiled, transportation costs and the prices of production materials, especially construction materials, are increasing. The recruitment of new labor is also facing many challenges. The city's leadership has actively directed efforts to improve the investment and business environment. However, the results achieved so far have not met expectations.

A representative from Taekwang Can Tho Company raised suggestions at the conference.

With the spirit of continuing to accompany businesses, the Chairman of the City People's Committee stated that the city's organization of this dialogue conference with businesses and cooperatives helps the city's leadership better understand the difficulties, obstacles, aspirations, and desires of businesses and entrepreneurs. Together, they can find solutions to overcome challenges and create conditions for businesses to quickly overcome difficulties and strive towards long-term and sustainable development goals. This is also an opportunity for businesses to better understand the city's perspective, direction, and determination in promoting the role and responsibilities of the business community and entrepreneurial team in the city's construction and development.

Continuing to create a dynamic and attractive investment and business environment

In that spirit, the Chairman of the City People's Committee expressed the desire for businesses and experienced entrepreneurs to actively contribute their practical experience to propose new strategies, mechanisms, policies, and breakthrough solutions for development in various fields, promoting the city's development.

To continue to address bottlenecks, improve policies and mechanisms, and create a new dynamic and attractive investment and business environment, Mr. Tran Viet Truong stated that the city will continue to implement programs and support plans for businesses that are already underway. They will also study and develop new programs and plans that are suitable for the city's reality and the needs of businesses. Administrative procedure reform will also be vigorously and resolutely implemented with the goal of improving the quality of administrative procedure resolution, reducing time and costs in implementation.

The leaders of the city's departments and sectors responded to the feedback and suggestions from businesses

The city will also focus on promoting digital transformation in all state agencies and sectors, contributing to the construction of a digital government to enhance operational efficiency and serve the people and businesses better. They will also effectively implement planning and land use planning, sectoral planning to create favorable conditions for the progress of implementation and ensure a legal basis for investment attraction in the area. Reviewing and recommending the amendment of regulations that are no longer suitable and impede business operations.

The Chairman of the City People's Committee requested the city's departments, agencies, and localities to promptly review, respond, and resolve or submit to the competent authority for resolution of the recommendations from businesses. At the same time, they should continue to intensify research and advisory work to issue mechanisms, policies, and cut unnecessary and cumbersome administrative procedures to create the most favorable conditions for businesses in implementing investment activities in the city. They should also constantly improve the quality of the civil servant workforce, with dedication and capability in serving and supporting businesses.

Thanh Xuan – Translated by Chi Nguyen







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