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S.I.S Can Tho Hospital Successfully Performs Complex Brain Tumor Surgery
Date: 17/06/2024

On June 11th, information from S.I.S Can Tho International General Hospital revealed that their doctors have recently received and successfully treated a female patient with a complex brain tumor.
Patient's health is stable after surgery. Photo: from hospital

Prior to the examination at S.I.S Can Tho International General Hospital, doctors noted that Ms. L.T.H.N. (female, born in 1990, from Hau Giang) had a meningeal tumor in the cerebellar vermis area of the right occipital lobe, measuring 55x60 mm. This tumor not only resided deep within the center of the brain, but also affected important blood vessels and nerves, compressing brain structures.

After a multidisciplinary consultation, the hospital's doctors decided to perform endovascular embolization to occlude the blood vessels supplying the tumor, reducing its blood supply, and then proceed with microsurgical tumor resection the following day.

With the support of the anesthesia and intensive care team, after nearly 8 hours of intense surgery, the tumor was gradually dissected from the brain structures, blood vessels, and important nerves, ultimately removing the tumor tissue as well as the invaded meningeal structures. Within 24 hours after surgery, Ms. N. regained full consciousness and her health remained stable.

Patient's brain tumor before and after intervention. Photo: from hospital

Dr. Nguyen Quang Hung, Chief of the Neurosurgery Department at S.I.S Can Tho Hospital, stated that this was a very challenging surgical case, requiring both the patient's health and endurance during a lengthy operation. Additionally, in order to perform this tumor surgery, the hospital required an anesthesia and intensive care team, along with supporting facilities, to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the procedure.

According to Dr. Nguyen Quang Hung, individuals experiencing headaches or any unusual symptoms should seek consultation with a specialist doctor, undergo examination, and be advised accordingly, including the potential need for magnetic resonance imaging of the brain when necessary.

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Chi Nguyen







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