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Can Tho: Month of Action for Children in 2024 launched
Date: 02/06/2024

On June 1st, Can Tho Municipal Federation of Labour organized the launching ceremony to respond to the Month of Action for Children in 2024 at Ninh Kieu District Children's Cultural House. The event had the presence of Chairman of the People's Committee Tran Viet Truong and representatives of departments and agencies in Can Tho City.
Chairman of Can Tho Municipal People's Committee Tran Viet Truong, and Representative of Hoa Hao General Hospital - Medic Can Tho Vu Cao Quan awarded scholarships to children in difficult circumstances at the event.

Chairwoman of Can Tho Municipal Federation of Labour Le Thi Suong Mai said the event emphasizes the role and responsibility of trade unions in mobilizing agencies, businesses, and organizations to support and care for students who are children of union members, workers, and civil servants. The event aims to help these students overcome difficulties, improve their studies, and become good children and students.

The official also highlighted the efforts made in response to the “Month of Action for Children” as Can Tho Municipal Federation of Labour has directed trade unions at all levels to implement propaganda and provide support, and education for children. Special attention is given to organizing practical activities for children of public employees on important occasions such as International Children's Day (June 1) and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Additionally, Can Tho Municipal Federation of Labour offers scholarships and provides school supplies for children in difficult circumstances.

The representative of Novaland Group donated 100 bicycles to children of union members in difficult circumstances to the Chairwoman of Can Tho Municipal Federation of Labour Le Thi Suong Mai at the launching ceremony.

On behalf of the Standing Committee of Can Tho Municipal Federation of Labour, Chairwoman Le Thi Suong Mai urged unions at all levels to effectively implement policies and laws regarding child protection, care, and education. She emphasized the importance of paying attention to children of union members working in industrial parks and export processing zones under difficult circumstances.

Furthermore, there is a need to enhance innovation in spreading awareness and educating people about children's rights. This includes raising awareness about preventing, supporting, intervening, and addressing cases of child abuse, as well as preventing child violence in families and schools. Additionally, efforts should be made to prevent and reduce child labor that goes against the law and to safeguard children in the online environment. Lastly, it is crucial to avoid and minimize child injuries, especially those caused by drowning and traffic accidents.

Chairwoman of Can Tho Municipal Federation of Labour Le Thi Suong Mai spoke at the event.

In addition, the official suggested that trade unions at all levels need to mobilize local authorities, agencies, and businesses to actively support scholarships, and school supplies for students who are children of unionists, workers, and civil servants in difficulties. Moreover, they should coordinate with the local authorities to organize interesting activities and events that create a healthy and suitable playground for children.

The representative of Hoa Hao General Hospital - Medic Can Tho awarded scholarships worth 50 million VND to children of union members in difficult circumstances.

"Let us show practical affection and attention through specific and effective actions. Let the message ‘Listen to children with your heart, protect children with action’ deeply resonate with everyone," shared Chairwoman Le Thi Suong Mai.

Students who are children of unionists, workers and civil servants in Can Tho City participated in the event.

During the launching ceremony, representatives from Hoa Hao General Hospital - Medic Can Tho and Novaland Group supported 100 bicycles and 100 scholarships (each worth 500,000 VND) with a total value of 200 million VND to give to poor students who are children of unionists and workers in difficult circumstances.

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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