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Can Tho calls for strong action for a smoke-free environment
Date: 26/05/2024

On May 24, Can Tho Municipal Department of Health coordinated with the Can Tho City Center for Disease Control (CDC) to organize a meeting in response to World No Tobacco Day (May 31) and National No Tobacco Week (from May 25 to May 31).
People join a motorcycle parade to inform the public of the health impact of smoking

The meeting had the participation of Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People’s Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien, leaders of Can Tho City’s health sector, representatives of departments and agencies as well as students and people in Can Tho City.

Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien delivered a speech at the event.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien highlighted the serious health, economic, and environmental harms caused by tobacco use. He emphasized that the burden of disease resulting from tobacco use has become a significant global and national public health concern. Vice Chairman Nguyen Thuc Hien also noted that despite efforts to prevent and control the harmful effects of tobacco, challenges persist. Tobacco products are readily available, making it easy for people of all ages, especially teenagers, to access them. Additionally, emerging products such as electronic cigarettes, heated tobacco products, and shisha are rapidly gaining popularity among school-age students and young people, posing alarming levels of risk. These difficulties significantly impede tobacco control efforts and may lead to an increase in smoking rates if decisive and prompt measures are not taken.

Furthermore, the official reported that after 10 years of implementing the Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Tobacco, Can Tho City has seen positive changes. The rate of tobacco use among adults over 15 years old decreased from 32% in 2015 to 25.2% in 2020, and the percentage of people attempting to quit smoking increased from 30.4% in 2015 to 50.9% in 2020. Extensive propaganda efforts have been carried out in agencies, schools, hospitals, and residential areas. Various successful models have been established, such as smoke-free agencies, hospitals, and schools. The exposure to passive smoke has also significantly decreased in most public and crowded places. However, some locations lack proper and visible no-smoking signs, making it difficult to enforce smoking prohibitions.

The meeting in response to World No Tobacco Day (May 31) and National No Tobacco Week (from May 25 to May 31) attracted many people, especially students from universities and colleges in Can Tho City.

To fully enforce the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms and to continue implementing Decision No. 568/QD-TTg dated May 24, 2023, of the Prime Minister which approves the national strategy on prevention and control of tobacco harms by 2030, Vice Chairman Nguyen Thuc Hien has requested departments, agencies, organizations, and localities to cooperate with the health sector to enhance communication through several means.

The media content will focus on the following: smoking bans at workplaces, schools, medical facilities, hotels, indoor areas of restaurants, stations, and on public transportation; the rights and responsibilities of leaders in preventing and controlling the harmful effects of tobacco; the rights and obligations of citizens in preventing and combating tobacco harm; obligations of smokers; prohibited acts in the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms; harmful effects of smoking on health and the economy; the importance of implementing a smoke-free environment; models and examples of agencies and units that have successfully implemented regulations on a smoke-free environment; and examples of quitting smoking.

The representative of Can Tho Youth Union spoke on “Youth say no to tobacco” in response to World No Tobacco Day.

It is important to enforce regulations that prohibit smoking in the workplace by including them in the internal regulations of agencies and units. Additionally, there should be regulations in place to limit or prohibit smoking at events such as weddings, funerals, and festivals. Residential areas should also integrate the movement to build new rural areas and civilized cities to create tobacco-free communities. It's important to establish and replicate successful models of preventing and combating the harmful effects of tobacco in various communities.

Vice Chairman Nguyen Thuc Hien has also requested departments, agencies, and unions to establish interdisciplinary inspection teams at all levels to enforce the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms. This includes inspecting the posting of no-smoking signs and ensuring compliance with smoking bans in prohibited locations. Violations should be strictly punished according to Decree 117/2020/ND-CP dated September 28, 2020, of the Central Government.

Many students and young people joined a motorcycle parade in response to World No Tobacco Day (May 31) and National No Tobacco Week (from May 25 to 31)

In addition, agencies, units, and localities need to organize competitions to educate people and raise people’s awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco and the appropriate implementation of the Law on Prevention and Control of Tobacco Harms for each specific target group. Mass media agencies should regularly disseminate information about the detrimental effects of tobacco on health, showcase examples of successful smoking cessation, and encourage people to quit smoking. They should also promote the benefits of a smoke-free environment.

Following the meeting, a large number of public servants, officials, youth union members, and students from universities and colleges in Can Tho City took part in a motorcycle parade on the main roads of the city in response to World No Tobacco Day (May 31) and National No Tobacco Week (from May 25 to 31).

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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