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Can Tho and the Republic of Korea expand cooperation in several areas
Date: 11/11/2023

On November 7, Secretary of Can Tho Municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Hieu, and Vice Chairman of Can Tho Municipal People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien held a reception for the Korean Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Shin Choong Il and his delegation.
Can Tho leaders met and worked with Consul General of Korea in Ho Chi Minh City

During the reception, Nguyen Van Hieu, Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee, mentioned that the partnership between Can Tho and the Republic of Korea is flourishing with the implementation of several investment initiatives and cultural exchange programs. This has contributed to strengthening the relationship between Can Tho and Korea in recent times.

Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee Nguyen Van Hieu highlighted the strengths and advantages of Can Tho City as a key hub in the southwestern region. He emphasized the special policies and incentives available for infrastructure development and foreign investment attraction in the city.

Secretary Nguyen Van Hieu noted that the Republic of Korea has invested in two official development assistance (ODA) projects in Can Tho, which are the South Korea-Vietnam Incubator Park valued at 21.13 million USD, and a Vietnam farming mechanization in Can Tho City with a total investment of nearly 2.4 billion KRW (over 1.83 million USD).

He said the Republic of Korea is strong in large-scale industry, hi-tech agriculture, trade, and services which lay a solid foundation for bilateral cooperation, and suggested some projects for Korean investment. One project involves building a complex for processing and selling agricultural products in the Mekong Delta in Can Tho. Another is a logistics hub linked to the Cai Cui port with a total area of 100.27ha and the capacity to handle 25 million tonnes of goods each year.

The Can Tho City official called on South Korean firms to invest in large-scale industrial production such as construction, industrial infrastructure management, food processing, electronics, logistics, trade and smart real estate, etc.

Secretary Nguyen Van Hieu extended his best wishes for a successful term to Korean Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Shin Choong Il. He also expressed his delight at the remarkable achievements made by the Vietnam-Korea cooperation relationship over the last thirty years.

Korean Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Shin Choong Il thanked Can Tho City’s leaders for the warm welcome and appreciated the partnership between Vietnam and South Korea, while highly valuing Can Tho City’s strong growth.

For his part, Korean Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Shin Choong Il pledged that in his capacity, he would act as a bridge to expand cooperation and bring many Korean business delegations to Vietnam and Can Tho in particular to explore investment opportunities.

According to Can Tho municipal Department of External Relations, the city recorded an export-import turnover of 21.08 million USD with the Republic of Korea in the first nine months of this year, with primary exports of aquatic products, farm produce, and processed agricultural products, apparel, pharmaceuticals, and veterinary medicine

Kim Xuyen - Translated by Hoang Dat







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