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Back in Can Tho, "lost in the forest of flowers" near Tet
Date: 04/02/2021

There are only 20 days left until Tan Suu Lunar New Year. Families in Pho Tho - Ba Bo Ornamental Flower Village (Binh Thuy District, Can Tho Town) are busy taking care of their flowers so that they bloom in time to greet the New Year. This year, the village has flower varieties that are lush and bloom at the right time, creating a very beautiful image of spring flowers. Visitors who come here feel “lost in the forest of flowers” even though it only takes 5-10 minutes to get here from the city center.
The first flower pots were sold from the Pho Tho - Ba Bo flower village.


Mr. Doan Huu Bon, Director of Binh An Ornamental Flower Cooperative and Vice President of Pho Tho - Ba Bo Floriculture Village said: “In this Tet season, the 120 families in the village cultivating Tet flowers are providing around 360,000 flowerpots at the market. The price is not much different from that of Tet 2020. ”

However, this year due to unfavorable weather conditions with too hot weather and heavy rains, the wastage rate and cost of care is quite large in floriculture for the Tet season. Even so, with a few decades of experience, the flower growers here have overcome the difficulties and are ready to bring to the market beautiful and lush flowerpots from Tet.

In addition to the flowers of Gomphrena Globosa, florists' chrysanthemums, Indian chrysanthemums, large-flowered chrysanthemums, sunflowers ... the main feature of the floriculture village this year is Lisianthus.

The new flower that is expected to create an attraction for this year's Tet season is the daisy.

Balsaminaceae were blooming bright red.

The florists' chrysanthemums have not been planted much this year in this village but are very lush with beautiful flowers and large foliage.

Some traditional flowers such as the Indian rose, the poinsettia ... are also widely cultivated by the inhabitants of this artisan village.

Hanging flower pots are very well received this year at the markets. These flowers, after having served as decoration during Tet days, can be replanted, beautifying the living space in the long term.

This year, visitors to this flower village can take photos freely, and tours are free.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son, 36, succeeds his father who for more than 20 years has devoted himself to the cultivation of Tet flowers. Around the 21st or 22nd day of the 12th lunar month, Mr. Son sets up his flowers for sale on Hoang Van Thu Street (Ninh Kieu district). He is happy that the flowerpots he planted with his own hands are welcome and make life better.

Source: Can Tho Newspaper - Translated by Hoang Dat







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