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“Intense and calming” films about the COVID-19 pandemic
Date: 27/10/2021

Mr. Pham Do Minh Trung with Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong and her granddaughter, the main characters in the documentary “Niem tin vung buoc”.

One of the notable “calming” films is the documentary “Niem tin vung buoc” (moving forward with steady faith) made by VTV9. The narrator in the film is Mr. Pham Do Minh Trung and his wife (Cai Khe ward, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho city). From a guy who loves to do charity, Mr. Pham Do Minh Trung was shocked when he experienced the deadly disease. After recovery, he appreciates life and the meaning of volunteer work even more. When the COVID-19 pandemic in Can Tho city remained complicated and unpredictable, Mr. Trung devoted himself to supporting disadvantaged people day and night.

Through Mr. Trung's narration, viewers are also touched by the kind hearts of Can Tho people: a student of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy volunteered to join the frontline against the COVID-19 pandemic, a retired female doctor volunteered to stay with her colleagues to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, etc. There are still many warm hearts, good examples, and difficult lives in need of protection in the battle against COVID-19. The documentary “Niem tin vung buoc” (moving forward with steady faith) tells such beautiful stories.

Speaking of “intense”, the viewers may think of the film “Ranh gioi” (Boundaries) directed by Ta Quynh Tu, produced by the Center for Documentary and Reportage, Vietnam Television. The film has no dialogue and no effects. However, the battle against the pandemic is brutally honest and intense as the constant stream of incoming patients and the relentless tug-of-war between doctors and nurses and death every time a patient's condition worsens, thus making viewers choke up. It is truly an epic battle and the doctors, as well as the nurses, resemble brave warriors. After watching “Ranh gioi”, many viewers had to exclaim: “The film is so intense, putting your hands on your chest, seeing that you are still breathing evenly, is happiness”. The film delivers the fierceness and danger of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is truly an extremely dangerous “enemy” that does not allow anyone to be subjective, negligent, or lack vigilance because it will cost us our own lives.

After the “intense” of “Ranh gioi”, director Ta Quynh Tu and his crew brought the audience “gentleness and calm” in the movie “Ngay con chao doi” (The day you were born). The movie is about pregnant women with COVID-19 who have to give birth alone. “Ngay con chao doi” still delivers the message of a dangerous pandemic, but it moves the audience to tears with the sacrifice of the mothers as well as the nurses and doctors taking care of the newborn babies who are not close to their mothers, fathers, and relatives on the day of birth.

There are many documentaries about the COVID-19 pandemic that create a buzz and capture viewers’ attention, such as “Da chien va ngay ve” (The field hospital and the day of returning home), “Cung nhau vuot qua dai dich” (Together we overcome the pandemic), “Lua chon cua toi” (My choice), “Tro ve cuoc song” (Back to life). Each film is a slice of life during the pandemic, with the dangers, hardships, and warmth of love.

Behind the success of these films and documentaries, we have to mention the devotion and industriousness of the film crew. They have rushed to the most dangerous position to bring the audience the most authentic and closest images and stories. Many people of the film crew have been subjected to concentrated isolation or home quarantine after filming trips. The “sweet fruit” for those hardships are humanistic films being aired on TV.

Documentary about the COVID-19 pandemic combines art and journalism that makes the appeal of modern television, especially the documentary genre.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat

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