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Solutions to support employers and employees
Date: 09/08/2021

The COVID-19 pandemic is becoming more and more complicated. Consequently, the tourism sector has been badly affected by this crisis. Besides solving many problems to maintain business, travel firms also find reasonable solutions for employees.
Muong Thanh Hotel is applying to become a paid quarantine location.

Most tourist attractions in Can Tho have stopped receiving guests since June 2021. Only a few are open for maintenance or receive internal customers. However, this number is very small and limited in the number of people. Ms. Nguyen Thi Khanh Linh, Deputy Director in charge of accommodation at Muong Thanh Hotel, said: “We only allow about 10 guests to stay in our hotel. The current capacity is only 1-2% compared to the past, mainly patrons and long-stay guests. Currently, we are trying to complete the procedure to register as a paid quarantine point. This is a good solution as we can both maintain our business and contribute to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in Can Tho city.” Ms. Dang Thi Thu Phuong, Deputy Director of Con Khuong Resort, informed: “We have stopped since June. We temporarily have 6-7 employees for maintaining our resort while the others have to leave their jobs. The cost of maintenance and salary support for employees in a month is estimated at 700-800 million VND. Currently, we can only partially support employees during the social distancing measures under Directive 16, as a way to keep them working with us. But if the pandemic lasts longer, the resort cannot open, the staff will not stick around. In the future, it will be difficult to find workers.”

Financial supports from businesses for their employees in this period range from 500,000 VND to 1 million VND/month. Moreover, the local authorities create all favorable conditions for employees to access policies from Social Insurance, Resolution 68/NQ-CP dated July 1st, 2021 on a number of policies to support employees and employers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Phan Kim Ngan, the owner of Cong Minh garden in Son islet, said: “During this period, we return to our previous life of gardening and growing fruit trees, which also earns money. But the tour guides without tourists have no income. Recently, they have switched to selling fruits and vegetables, and delivering goods, but it was difficult. So it’s good if they can access any source of support”. Mr. Ly Van Bon, the owner of Bay Bon fish raft, said: “The country is facing a tough situation. The tourism sector of the city also creates favorable conditions for us to access supportive policies. I hope these supports will reach people in difficult times.”

Mr. Nguyen Hong Hieu, Director of Hong Hieu Co., LTD, said: “In order to maintain business, I have to execute capital turnover and sell a lot of assets. I also have to adapt to multiple operating models. However, my company can only last until 2022. In addition to tax and electricity policy support, we would like to have more flexible mechanisms when tourism is reopened. Besides, we also hope that workers in the tourism industry will be vaccinated to protect themselves from the COVID-19 pandemic as soon as possible.” Mr. Tran Yen Vinh, Director of Muong Thanh Hotel, said: “We are determined to live with COVID-19 pandemic so we hope to have access to COVID-19 vaccines soon. Therefore, we are not afraid to switch to a quarantine point and are accelerating this progress. Regarding safety solutions, we have also trained and learned from other hotels in the same system of Muong Thanh when becoming a quarantine point. The problem for us and the city's tourism industry is human resources. Many people have changed jobs, moved to other places, especially to Phu Quoc island. Therefore, the city's tourism sector should also consider this issue.”

Mr. Nguyen Minh Tuan, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city, said: “Currently, due to the complicated and unpredictable development of COVID-19 pandemic, we have worked with many travel firms to encourage them and listen to their recommendations and suggestions. Then, we promptly report to the city's leaders, in order to find solutions to coordinate with other functional sectors to overcome difficulties”. Initially, we cooperate with the Department of Industry and Trade of Can Tho city and EVN Can Tho Corporation to carry out policies to support a COVID-related tax and reduce electricity prices. Furthermore, we also make a list of tour guides that need support according to Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP in 2021. We are working on the capital and the demand for vaccines in businesses to have appropriate reports and proposals.

Regarding tourism human resources, it is necessary to promote cooperation from many sides. In the current period, most companies have had to temporarily stop operations while some had to work with limited productivity. Moreover, many employees have to work from home. Therefore, we have encouraged and recommended businesses to maintain their permanent workers so that when the pandemic is under control, they can quickly come into operation. Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Can Tho city also has many plans to coordinate with businesses to open training courses for employees as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic is under control and tourism activities recover.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat







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