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Restoration of Phong Dien Tourism
Date: 02/05/2022

After a long period of the Covid-19 impact, Phong Dien tourism is recovering impressively, more than expected. The quality of products is improving more and more, and many new diversified experiences are attracting visitors.
Tourists visit rice vermicelli production facility in Mỹ Khánh resort.

Mr. Hồ Quang Thông, Director of the Ông Đề ecotourism site, tells us: “During the Hung Kings Festival, the number of visitors increases more than expected, by 30-40% compared to last year. This is a good sign for tourism when visitors return to the sites.” During festive days, on average, there are more than 1,000 visitors, mainly from neighboring cities/provinces. Tourists from Hanoi and the center are gradually returning there. Mrs. Hoàng Thị Thanh Nga (from Hanoi) says: “I go to Can Tho to attend the traditional southern cake festival and seek to visit the orchards. Having heard about the fruit tree gardens in Phong Dien, we come there”.

Mrs. Huỳnh Thị Bích Tuyền, owner of Mekong Silt Ecolodge, informs us: “The number of visitors is constantly increasing. Currently, there is no more place on weekends”. Mekong Silt Ecolodge is not only a preferred accommodation establishment in Phong Dien thanks to its airy green spaces but also a site with interesting experiences to enjoy such as rowing, visiting orchards, and learning to make traditional cakes… Visitors can participate without any accommodation obligation at Mekong Silt Ecolodge. Mr. Nguyễn Hữu Hoàng, Vice-Director of My Khánh Resort, informs us: “During the Hung Kings Festival and the Southern Traditional Cake Festival, the number of visitors doubled or even tripled compared to the period before the Tet. This is a good sign that shows the recovery of tourism. In recent times, in addition to improving the quality of the landscapes, activities have been renewed and others have been created to serve visitors. With the slogan “Discovering the southern culture”, we create the villages of coconut candies and rice vermicelli so that visitors can learn how to make these local specialties with artisans.

Mr. Võ Thanh Giúp, Director of the Tourism - Trade Promotion and Heritage Management Center of Phong Dien district, said: “Specifically, Can Tho has 3 new destinations namely Mekong Silt Ecolodge, Phi Yen ecotourism site, Can Tho Eco resort. The sites and orchards in Phong Dien attract many visitors with many experiences to live. Phong Dien tourism is recovering well”. On weekends, almost all the sites like My Khanh Resort, Ong De Ecotourism Site, and Mekong Silt Ecolodge receive a large number of visitors.

Thus, to be able to welcome visitors on the occasion of the upcoming festivals of April 30th and May 1st, tourist sites in Phong Dien are developing many interesting programs. Mr. Nguyễn Hữu Hoàng, Vice-Director of My Khánh Resort, tells us: “We are preparing the 2022 fruit and cake festival with the theme “Beauty of the West”, from April 30th to May 1st. This annual event presents visitors with traditional cakes and fruits typical of the West. We will also organize the Western gastronomy program with 100 good dishes”. Mr. Hồ Quang Thông, Director of the Ông Đề ecotourism site also informs us: “We focus on activities such as folk games, cinema studio check-in photography, gastronomy. Alongside many added games, a new product “One day being a landlord” is being created, allowing visitors to experience the life of a landlord in the Western region”. Mrs. Huỳnh Thị Bích Tuyền, owner of Mekong Silt Ecolodge, tells us: “The “Miền quê Cam” space is open to visitors on the occasion of these major holidays. Covering an area of 8,000m2, with numerous activities linking life to nature, culture, and education to tourism, the space aims to offer more cultural experiences of the West to visitors. “Miền quê Cam” has rice fields, a rural market, and houses in Vietnamese, Chinese, Cham, and Khmer architecture. The particularity of “Miền quê Cam” is to let visitors relax and live in the middle of nature in a space without internet”.

Mr. Võ Thanh Giúp, Director of the Tourism - Trade Promotion and Heritage Management Center of Phong Dien district, informs us: “Currently, tourist sites in Phong Dien are preparing many new products and services to meet the needs of the diversity of visitors. We also focus on promotion and propaganda to inform tourists who will come to live interesting experiences in Phong Dien”.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat







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