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Phong Dien focuses on developing ecotourism
Date: 08/11/2022

Can Tho city has main tourism products such as MICE, eco-tourism, and River-borne tourism. Specifically, Phong Dien district stands out with its potential for eco-tourism. Promoting existing strengths, Phong Dien orients to become a key ecotourism destination of Can Tho city.
Rambutan garden in Phong Dien.

Identifying tourism development as one of the key tasks to promote the local economy - society, Phong Dien district has developed and implemented many programs and policies focusing on this task. The District Party Committee of Phong Dien has developed Program Program No. 22-CTr/HU dated June 28th, 2022 on the implementation of Resolution No. 10-NQ/TU of Can Tho City Party Committee on promoting tourism development in the new situation (Resolution No. 10). At the same time, the District People's Committee of Phong Dien also developed Plan No. 3842/KH-UBND dated September 13th, 2022 to implement Resolution No. 10.

The programs and plans have determined Phong Dien district to become a key area for ecotourism development of Can Tho, contributing to building a modern, civilized and ecological city imbued with river cultural identity in the Mekong Delta according to the vision and goals of the Politburo's Resolution No. 59-NQ/TW dated August 5th, 2020. Specifically, Phong Dien determines that tourism will be a spearhead economic sector, one of the key areas of socio-economic development. Furthermore, the district will develop tourism sustainably and competitively based on the following pillars: preserve and promote the national cultural identity; environmental protection; disease prevention and control; exploit and maximize the potential and advantages of the district's tourism resources. By 2025, Phong Dien will have a system of high-quality, diverse, and competitive tourism products, thus becoming an attractive destination for domestic and foreign tourists. It is expected to attract over 2 million turns, of which guests staying overnight reach over 90,000 (international visitors account for 10%). The goal by 2025 is that Phong Dien will have a system of quality, diversified and competitive tourism products, which is an attractive destination for domestic and foreign tourists. It is expected to attract about 2 million turns/guests or more, of which staying guests reach over 90,000 (international visitors account for 10%). By 2030, Phong Dieu district's tourism sector will strive to basically become a spearhead economic sector, and promote other industries and fields to develop strongly. Phong Dieu district will promote tourism development in-depth and high quality; increase spending and prolong the stay of tourists in Phong Dien…

In order to accomplish the target, Phong Dien implemented 8 tasks and solutions: raise awareness about tourism development; develop appropriate and breakthrough mechanisms and policies to promote tourism development; improve the quality of human resources; strengthen connectivity, expand investment cooperation; strengthen tourism promotion; expand, develop and diversify tourism products and types in accordance with the district's potentials and advantages; invest in infrastructure and facilities for tourism development; strengthen the capacity and efficiency of state management of tourism.

In fact, Phong Dien tourism is developing fast. There are 65 tourist attractions and historical-cultural relics in the district. Specifically, 3 locations are recognized as the typical tourist destinations of the delta, and five locations are recognized as the typical tourist destinations of the city. Mr. Vo Thanh Giup, Director of the Center for Trade – Tourism Promotion and Monument Management of Phong Dien district, said: “After 2 years of being negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Phong Dien tourism is recovering and thriving significantly, thus attracting a large number of visitors. Specifically, in the first nine months of 2022, Phong Dien tourism welcomed nearly 973,000 visitors, an increase of 186% over the same period last year, of which there were over 8,000 foreign visitors. Total revenue reached over 324 billion VND. It is predicted that the number of tourists will continue to increase when the district organizes the Phong Dien Ecotourism Festival in September. Gardens and tourist attractions’ owners also renovate products and improve quality to meet diverse needs of tourists”.

Phong Dien district orients to develop eco-tourism with many eco-destinations being known by tourists near and far, such as Can Tho Eco Resort, Mekong Silt Ecolodge... Phong Dien is also implementing the Safe ecotourism development project for the 2021-2025 period, vision to 2030, with the goal of developing tourism in a safe environment and promoting the value of tourism resources in a sustainable way. Mr. Nguyen Trung Nghia, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the District People's Committee, said: “With the determination of the whole political system, the consensus of the people, along with the available potentials and advantages, Phong Dien district will continue to implement Resolution 07-NQ/TU dated December 27, 2016, of Can Tho Municipal Party Committee on building and developing Phong Dien district into an ecological urban area. Under Resolution No. 10, Phong Dien district determines that tourism will be a spearhead economic sector, one of the locality's key areas of socio-economic development. Phong Dien focuses on promoting all resources and continues improving facilities for tourism, trade, and goods exchange with the support of the city and businesses. Moreover, Phong Dien will build and develop traditional craft villages, and culinary culture, in order to create a distinctive feature of the district. Phong Dien will design a variety of tourism types with characteristics of the Mekong Delta region such as river-borne tourism, garden-borne tourism, eco-tourism, community-based tourism, agrotourism, ecotourism combined with aquaculture, cultural tourism associated with heritage conservation, and spiritual tourism”.

Phong Dien has drastic and specific programs and policies for tourism development. Therefore, the tourism sector of Phong Dien determines to promote the strengths and potential of the district through ecotourism. As a result, Phong Dien eco-tourism has gradually become a feature in the Can Tho tourism product system known to many tourists.

Source: Can Tho News – Translated by Hoang Dat







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