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Giant calligraphy hat at Ninh Kieu Wharf
Date: 06/11/2022

A giant conical hat, made from a total of 540 palm-leaf conical hats with calligraphy written on top, has recently appeared on Ninh Kieu wharf in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho. Its appearance has drawn plenty of public attention and has excited locals and visitors over recent days.
In the photo: Madame Suong pointed towards the giant conical hat to introduce to visitors.

The person who conceived and implemented this unique project is Madame Dao Thi Cam Suong - a calligrapher in Can Tho. She said the idea originates from the love of the land and the people of Can Tho, wanting to contribute something to the homeland. Due to her knack for calligraphy, she came up with the idea of ​​making this giant calligraphy hat, funded by Mekong Expo company.

Madame Suong spent 89 days writing the calligraphy and finding connections to produce the finished product. The words written on the giant hat include sightseeing spots in Can Tho, folk songs, proverbs, poems, and the names of various provinces and cities across the country.

Madame Suong said that the purpose of her work is to honor the beauty of the fatherland through pieces of calligraphy. Indeed, the giant hat is created from 540 small conical hats which themselves represent the country’s 54 ethnic minority groups.

She is skillful and meticulous in every calligraphic stroke on the conical hat.

The giant conical hat is made up of a total of 540 smaller conical hats, with calligraphy written on top.

The diameter of the giant conical hat spans more than eight meters, with a length from the tip to the brim roughly four meters and the length from the tip of the cone to the ground roughly six meters.

The work has a total of 14 rows of conical hats and is arranged very artfully.

Visitors to Ninh Kieu Wharf express their interest in this impressive work, with many flocking to take pictures. It is known that The Vietnam Record Organization has confirmed the piece to be the largest calligraphy conical model in Vietnam.

Source: Can Tho News – Translated by Hoang Dat







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