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City leaders congratulate the Vesak Day
Date: 23/05/2024

On May 21, 2024, Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu, Alternate member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee, together with representatives of the city's People's Council, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, departments of Can Tho City and leader of Ninh Kieu districts, An Phu and Tan An ward visited and congratulated the Vesak Day - Buddhist calendar 2568 at the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Executive Board in Can Tho City, Khanh Quang Pagoda, Ngoc Minh Monastery, and Quan Am Pagoda in Ninh Kieu District.
Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu, Alternate member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee, congratulated the Vesak Day and presented gifts to the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha Executive Board in Can Tho City. Photo: NGOC QUYEN

During the visits, Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu informed about the city's key development directions, especially the development of industrial parks, aimed at creating employment opportunities for local residents and promoting the city's economic growth. The Secretary of the City Party Committee affirmed that the city's development process has always been accompanied by religious organizations, including the Buddhist community. He also acknowledged the contributions made by esteemed religious leaders and the Buddhist community in the city's development.

Esteemed religious leaders expressed their gratitude to the city's leaders, district leaders, and commune leaders for their visit and congratulations on the Vesak Day. In the coming time, they will continue to mobilize Buddhist followers to effectively implement the Party's guidelines, state policies and laws, actively participate in patriotic movements, and contribute to the further development of the city.

Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu, Alternate member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee, congratulated the Vesak Day and presented gifts at Khanh Quang Pagoda. Photo: NGOC QUYEN

Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu, Alternate member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee, congratulated the Vesak Day and presented gifts at Ngoc Minh Monastery. Photo: NGOC QUYEN.

Comrade Nguyen Van Hieu, Alternate member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Can Tho City Party Committee, congratulated the Vesak Day at Quan Am Pagoda. Photo: NGOC QUYEN

* On the same day, a delegation led by Comrade Tong Van Nhin, Standing Vice Chairman of the City’s Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, visited and congratulated the Vesak Day 2024 - Buddhist calendar 2568 at Tay Canh Pagoda (O Mon District), Lien Tri Pagoda, and Long Quang Pagoda (Binh Thuy District).

Comrade Tong Van Nhin, Standing Vice Chairman of the City’s Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, visited and congratulated the Vesak Day at Lien Tri Pagoda. Photo: Dong Tam

During the visits, Comrade Tong Van Nhin expressed his desire for esteemed religious leaders to continue guiding Buddhist followers to uphold the tradition of patriotism, live a good life, practice Buddhism well, implement the Party's guidelines, state policies and laws, actively participate in patriotic movements, production labor, and improve their lives. He also encouraged unity with all social classes to contribute to building a more civilized and prosperous Can Tho City. At the same time, he wished esteemed religious leaders, monks, and Buddhist followers a healthy, joyful, and peaceful Vesak Day and Retreat season in 2024.

Bao Can Tho – Translated by Chi Nguyen







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