Can Tho specialties

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Traditional cake from Can Tho sets an Asian record
Date: 23/05/2023

The Asian Record Organization has officially recognized an additional 9 Asian records in the categories of dishes, food groups, and famous specialties of Vietnam. "Various traditional cakes from Can Tho City" are included in this prestigious list.
The artist couple Truong Thi Chieu (Chin Chieu) and her husband, residing in Binh Thuy District, showcased their craftsmanship in making the five-color con sung cake, a type of cake mentioned by Vietkings, at the Southern Folk Cake Festival.

Since 2012, the Vietnam Record Organization (VietKings) has embarked on a journey to search for and promote the unique values of Vietnam, especially in cuisine and specialties. After establishing the Vietnam Records, VietKings continued to complete nomination portfolios sent to the Asian Record Organization to seek recognition of Asian records for Vietnamese dishes, food groups, and famous specialties. As a result, the Asian Record Organization has recognized Vietnamese cuisine on five occasions: in 2012, 2013 (twice), 2022, and 2023, honoring a total of 50 Vietnamese dishes and food groups.

In the record-setting event in early April 2023, there were 9 dishes and food groups that achieved Asian records, with the leading one being "Various traditional cakes from Can Tho City”. The following are: puffed fried sticky rice (Dong Nai), Phu The Dinh Bang cake (Bac Ninh), dragon fruit and Phan Thiet Golden Fish fish sauce (Binh Thuan), Luc Ngan lychee (Bac Giang), artichoke from Lam Dong (Lam Dong), broken rice dish of Long Xuyen (An Giang), and dishes made from pineapple (Hau Giang). These dishes and food groups were established based on the criteria of "Asian Culinary Value".

According to the nomination dossier for Asian records by VietKings, Can Tho is known as the most vibrant and developed city in the Mekong Delta region. It is not only an appealing destination with poetic and romantic landscapes but also famous for hundreds of unique and mouthwatering traditional cakes. Can Tho's traditional cakes have a long history, dating back to the land reclamation period, using natural ingredients such as rice, glutinous rice, sweet potato, and taro to create delicious and nutritious cakes. Can Tho's traditional folk cakes come in a wide variety, including some notable ones such as tam bi cakes, uot cake, print cake, ring-shaped cake, sticky rice cake, wrapped cake, shallot cake, pigskin cake, fried dough cake, ash dumpling, jackfruit leaf cake, banana and chrysanthemum cake, lot cake, and five-color con sung cake…

VietKings also provides additional information: Currently, the functional departments of Can Tho City are making efforts to preserve and introduce the Southern Folk Cakes to domestic and international tourists through various events and festivals. The most notable one is the annual Southern Folk Cake Festival held during the Hung King's death anniversary. In 2023, Can Tho City organized the 10th edition of the Southern Folk Cake Festival, which took place from April 28th to May 2nd.

From this, it is evident that the practical knowledge of processing and enjoying the Southern Folk Cakes is a valuable and diverse cultural heritage. Can Tho City gathers and spreads that heritage by preserving and promoting various types of traditional cakes in daily life. The establishment of the Asian record for the Southern Folk Cakes in Can Tho City serves as a launching pad and resource to further develop and promote the cultural heritage of Can Tho's traditional cakes to a wider audience. 

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat

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