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Vietnam Oil and Gas Group offers social security benefits in Can Tho and Kien Giang
Date: 15/08/2024

On the morning of August 14th, in Can Tho city, Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) and Southwest Pipeline Operating Company held a ceremony to present social security to two localities, Can Tho city and Kien Giang province, and organized a tree planting event in response to the program of planting 3 million trees of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group.
Mr. Duong Tan Hien - Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee - presented the Certificate of Merit of the Chairman of the City People's Committee to the representative of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group, Southwest Pipeline Operating Company aiming to recognize the contribution of the Project Owner to social security work in the locality.

Attending the event were Mr. Duong Tan Hien - Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee; Mr. Nguyen Trung Nhan, Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Can Tho City; Mr. Le Thanh Viet, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Kien Giang Province; leaders of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group, Southwest Pipeline Operating Company, PetroVietnam Technical Services Corporation, etc.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Tran Binh Minh - Member of the Party Executive Committee, Member of the Members' Council of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group expressed his gratitude to the leaders of Can Tho city and Kien Giang province, where the pipeline passes through, for their support and facilitation in implementing tasks in Block B gas -electricity project chain, especially Block B - O Mon gas pipeline project.

Mr. Tran Binh Minh - Member of the Party Executive Committee, Member of the Members' Council of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (left cover) - presented a symbolic plaque of 1 billion VND to the leaders of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Can Tho city to support the construction of 20 great solidarity houses in Can Tho city.

According to Mr. Tran Binh Minh, the Block B - O Mon gas power project chain is a system connecting from upstream to downstream, including: Block B field development project, Block B - O Mon pipeline project and the four O Mon I, II, III, and IV gas-fired power plants. This is a series of projects with a large investment scale, with upstream investment of nearly $12 billion and an expected gas production output of 5.06 billion m3/year. This series of projects not only provides energy to the country but also creates thousands of jobs, restructures the economy and affirms Vietnam's sovereignty over the sea and islands. For the Block B - O Mon gas pipeline project with an onshore pipeline (102 km) passing through 3 provinces/cities: Ca Mau, Kien Giang, Can Tho, the Southwest Pipeline Operating Company is implementing it synchronously with the chain progress (upstream and downstream power plants).

Representatives of Can Tho City Youth Union received a symbolic sign of support of 150 million VND from representatives of Southwest Pipeline Operating Company and PetroVietnam Technical Services Corporation to support Can Tho city in planting trees.

According to Mr. Tran Binh Minh, in recent times, along with promoting and developing production and business activities, social security work has always been highly valued by Vietnam Oil and Gas Group. Every year, Petrovietnam maintains a budget of hundreds of billions of VND for social security work, contributing to supporting poor rural areas, bringing happiness to many difficult circumstances, contributing to stabilizing the socio-economy of many localities across the country, especially for localities where Petrovietnam's projects are located.

At the event, Vietnam Oil and Gas Group awarded VND 1 billion to support the construction of solidarity houses in Can Tho city; VND 5 billion to support the construction of solidarity houses in Kien Giang province; at the same time, giving gratitude gifts to Vietnamese heroic mother Le Thi Nhan and representatives of households where the pipeline passes through.

Delegates took souvenir photos with Vietnamese heroic mother Le Thi Nhan.

On this occasion, the Group's units including Southwest Pipeline Operating Company and PetroVietnam Technical Services Corporation (PTSC) also joined hands to support VND 150 million to accompany the Can Tho City Youth Union in implementing the program “Million trees - For a green Vietnam” - The program not only contributes to limiting climate change but also adds more green areas, reinforcing the title of National Green City in 2024 for Can Tho city.

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hong Nhien







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