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Promoting overseas Vietnamese resources for the development of Can Tho City
Date: 04/08/2024

On August 2, the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese in Can Tho City held its 3rd Congress of Delegates for the 2024-2029 term.
The 3rd Congress of Delegates for the 2024-2029 term of the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese in Can Tho City

The Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese in Can Tho City was established in 2008. Currently, the Association has 75 official members working voluntarily for the cause of national unity.

In the previous term, the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese in Can Tho City engaged in various activities to connect overseas Vietnamese with their homeland. The Association sought to promote the potential of overseas Vietnamese intellectuals and establish connections with overseas Vietnamese organizations and individuals in the current situation. The Association arranges gatherings each year to welcome and maintain close relationships with overseas Vietnamese. Additionally, it supports overseas graduates and young intellectuals in establishing careers in their homeland. The Association also organizes activities to attract the participation of young overseas Vietnamese from countries such as Japan, France, and Germany, allowing them to learn about Vietnamese culture while traveling.

Statistics indicate that currently, over 14,000 citizens of Can Tho City are living, working, and studying in 13 countries and territories. In recent times, the work of overseas Vietnamese has received attention from all levels and sectors in Can Tho City, particularly the efforts to inform and disseminate the Party and State's policies and guidelines to overseas Vietnamese as well as mobilizing, supporting, and guiding overseas Vietnamese and their relatives in local activities.

Mr. Nguyen Trung Nhan, Member of Can Tho Municipal Party Standing Committee and Chairman of Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Can Tho City, delivered a speech at the event.

To strengthen the link between cultural diplomacy efforts and the Vietnamese community abroad, Can Tho City consistently facilitates information exchange and updates on the city's socio-economic situation for overseas Vietnamese. This contributes to enhancing business and investment activities by providing preferential policies for overseas Vietnamese, particularly for those who are business owners.

The congress has determined that in the next term, the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese in Can Tho City will continue to act as a bridge between the overseas Vietnamese community (intellectuals, businessmen, artists, international students, etc) and compatriots in the country. The Association will strengthen its connection with overseas Vietnamese organizations, and individuals. It will also provide feedback and recommendations to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Can Tho City on important issues related to the legitimate rights of Vietnamese people living, studying, and working abroad. In addition, the Association will organize activities to attract the participation of overseas Vietnamese youth, contributing to promoting business, investment, and technology transfer.

The Congress elected the Executive Committee of the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese in Can Tho City for the 2024-2029 term, consisting of 23 members. Mr. Ha Thanh Toan, former Principal of Can Tho University and chairman of the Vietnam - US Friendship Association in Can Tho City, was elected Chairman of the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese in Can Tho City for the 2024-2029 term.

Speaking at the congress, Chairman of Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Can Tho City Nguyen Trung Nhan suggested that the Executive Committee of the Association should focus on building the Association for Liaison with Overseas Vietnamese in Can Tho City to be more open and in line with the spirit of national harmony, solidarity, and strength. He also emphasized the need for the Association to work with domestic organizations, and overseas Vietnamese associations, to gather intelligence and resources from overseas Vietnamese. This collaboration would help contribute to the economic, cultural, and social development of Can Tho City by pooling resources and expertise.

In addition, the official suggested that the Executive Committee of the Association should continue to diversify the forms of gathering by connecting with overseas Vietnamese and non-governmental organizations, business associations, and foreign chambers of commerce. It is important to establish associations of fellow countrymen and fellow students to gather intellectual and financial resources for the homeland. Moreover, the Association should focus on building and organizing activities of Overseas Vietnamese Liaison Committees in districts and towns to create ties between overseas Vietnamese and their relatives with organizations, associations, and local authorities.

Furthermore, the Association needs to collaborate with functional agencies to build a network of Vietnamese intellectuals in other countries and to promote an image of Vietnam as a hardworking and friendly country open to international cooperation. It is also necessary to organize exchange events between Vietnamese intellectuals and lecturers with Vietnamese overseas students to share successful experiences in highly competitive learning environments in developed industrial countries.

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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