Phó Thọ - Bà Bộ Flower Village is 3 km from Cần Thơ city center. Taking Nguyễn Văn Linh Street to the left or right, visitors easily find the multicolored spring flower beds. The village becomes more lively in the days before Tết when visitors come to take photos and buy baskets of brightly colored flowers.
Thảo and Ngọc, residents of Ninh Kieu district, from Cần Thơ itself, with whom I have just met and who are taking pictures, admit: “Our town is also home to a beautiful flower village. We have heard about it for a long time but this is the first time that we have visited Phó Thọ - Bà Bộ. Ngọc adds, “You don't have to travel far to see Tết flowers. In the city center, there are some. We've been taking pictures for almost an hour without getting bored”.
The young Quốc Minh and Ngọc Yến, coming from the Châu Thành district, Hậu Giang province, are impressed with the way the peasants put the flowerpots on the shelves and take care of each flower bud, each branch. Ngọc Yến chooses a few pots to hang, saying: “What pretty flowers! The prices are also reasonable. It's worth the cost, considering the work invested in the field”.
For decades, the village of Phó Thọ - Bà Bộ has been blooming on the threshold of the New Year. Mr. Ðoàn Hữu Bốn, Director of the Bình An bonsai cooperative, vice-president of the village of flowers Phó Thọ - Bà Bộ, informs: “The village has 20 flower-producing families, with 3,000 baskets per family, in total of 660,000 baskets. The flowers of this season are very varied namely amarantine chrysanthemums, raspberry chrysanthemums, tiger ear chrysanthemums, Indian chrysanthemums, sunflowers (tall and low-rise plants)… This year's specialties are eustoma and daisies, promising to attract customers. Despite the capricious weather this year, too much sun, too much rain, causing the high rate of waste, the high cost of phytosanitary treatments, the well-seasoned peasants have overcome the difficulties and are ready to display baskets of magnificent Tết flowers...”
For the inhabitants of the village, the cultivation of flowers in Tết is tiring but pleasant. After three months of work in the fields, they wait for the harvest for their own Tết. From lunar December 21st and 22nd, traders come. The peasants also sell at the Ninh Kieu quay or the Hoàng Văn Thụ street (Ninh Kiều district). Mr. Nguyễn Thanh Sơn, 36 years of age, having inherited the profession from his father for the past 20 years, still remembers the last days of the year when he traded in flowers. The comings and goings of people who choose beautiful flowers for their home decoration, further beautify the busy streets of spring. He tells us: “People buy a few baskets, ask me where they come from, and congratulate me… I'm very happy about it. This motivation encourages Mr. Sơn and other farmers from Bình Thủy to stick to their traditional profession of growing flowers in their native land.
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If you are too busy with office work, housework or commerce and don’t have time to travel far, come visit Phó Thọ - Bà Bộ Flower Village in Cần Thơ city, an interesting destination. Try once to find the simplicity and hospitality of the villagers who tell you many memories of Tết’s flower seasons. And you, do not forget to take beautiful photos of yourself in the fields of multicolored flowers.
Source: Can Tho Newspaper - Translated by Hoang Dat