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Preserve and promote the values of folk songs, folk dances and folk music of ethnic minorities in association with tourism development
Date: 18/01/2022

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has just issued a decision approving the project “Preserving and promoting the values of folk songs, folk dances and folk music of ethnic minorities in association with tourism development in the period 2021- 2030”. This is a practical activity to institutionalize the guidelines, policies and laws of the Party and State on ethnic affairs aiming to preserve and promote the cultural heritage of ethnic groups in the community
Khmer folk dance.

The project on preserving and promoting the values of folk songs, folk dances and folk music of ethnic minorities in association with tourism development is divided into two phases: Phase 1, from 2021-2025, and Phase 2, from 2026- 2030.

The objective of the project is to preserve, disseminate, and promote the unique values of folk songs, folk dances and traditional folk music of ethnic minorities; raising awareness and pride, self-consciousness of people in preserving and promoting traditional cultural values of the nation. Furthermore, the project is expected to have a great impact on the development of cultural tourism, community tourism, ethnographic tourism, rural and mountainous tourism, so that the values of folk songs, folk dances, folk music traditions are effectively exploited, both to preserve and make an important contribution to promoting socio-economic development of each locality.

The main task of the project is that by 2030, up to 80% of the intangible cultural heritage related to folk songs, folk dances, and folk music will be documented, preserved, and disseminated to ethnic minority communities; at least 90% of civil servants, cultural officials, artisans, and prestigious people have been trained to improve their capacity in the work of preserving traditional cultures of ethnic minorities; and there are 600 artisans of ethnic minorities who are interested in building a profile for conferring the title of People's Artisan, Excellent Artisan. Furthermore, the project aims at the restoration and promotion of the values of folk songs, folk dances, and folk music of ethnic minorities in association with tourism development through the application of science and technology, especially digital technology.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat







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