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Phong Dien tourism recovers strongly
Date: 07/07/2022

After a long period of being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Phong Dien tourism is recovering at an impressive speed, more than expected. Destinations constantly improve the quality of products and services as well as opening a variety of activities to attract tourists.
Tourists visit the rice noodle craft village in My Khanh Tourist Village.

Mr. Ho Quang Thong, CEO of Ong De Eco-Tourism Village, said: “In the last Hung Kings’ Festival, the number of visitors to Ong De exceeded expectations, increasing 30-40% over the same period last year. This is a positive signal for the tourism industry when the flow of tourists begins to return to destinations”. During the holidays, there are more than 1,000 people per day visiting this tourist destination on average, of which visitors mainly from neighboring provinces and nearby areas. The number of visitors from Hanoi and the central region has also gradually increased. Ms. Hoang Thi Thanh Nga (a tourist from Hanoi) said: “I went to Can Tho city to visit the Southern Folk Cake Festival, then went to several fruit gardens. I have heard that there are many gardens in Phong Dien district, so I come here”.

Ms. Huynh Thi Bich Tuyen, Owner of Mekong Silt Ecolodge Resort, said: "The number of visitors has increased significantly. Almost every weekend, we don't have any rooms left”. Mekong Silt Ecolodge is a favorite place to stay in the district of Phong Dien thanks to its open and green space. Moreover, it is also a place with many attractive experiences, such as rowing boats, eating fruits in gardens, learning to make folk cakes, etc. These are also new activities that have just been put into operation at Mekong Silt Ecolodge. Visitors can experience many interesting activities in Mekong Silt Ecolodge without having to spend the night. Nguyen Huu Hoang, Deputy Director of My Khanh Tourist Village, said: “During the last Hung Kings’ Festival and Southern Folk Cake Festival, the number of visitors to the resort increased by 2-3 times compared to the time before Tet. This shows that the tourism sector is recovering strongly. Over the past time, in addition to improving the landscape and infrastructure, we have also created and renewed many experience activities for visitors. With the motto “Discover the culture of the Southern region”, we have also invested in building the craft villages of coconut caramel and rice noodle in the resort so that visitors can come and learn to make cakes with local artisans”.

Mr. Vo Thanh Giup, Director of the Center for Trade - Tourism Promotion and Monuments Management of Phong Dien district, said: “Over the past time, we have constantly built new products, improved and expended services. Specifically, Phong Dien district has added 3 new destinations namely Mekong Silt Ecolodge, Phi Yen eco-tourism area, Can Tho Eco resort. The destinations and orchards of Phong Dien district are attractive to many visitors thanks to their diversity of experiences and activities. As a result, Phong Dien tourism is showing good signs of recovery. On weekends, most of the destinations in My Khanh Tourist Village, Ong De Eco-Tourism Village, and Mekong Silt Ecolodge are crowded with visitors.

Therefore, in order to welcome tourists on the upcoming holidays, tourist attractions in Phong Dien district have built many attractive activities. Mr. Nguyen Huu Hoang, Deputy Director of My Khanh Tourism Village, said: “We are preparing the 2022 Cake-Fruit Festival with the theme “Western Beauty”. This is an annual event of My Khanh Tourist Village, aiming to promote folk cakes and specialty fruits of the Southern region. We also organize a special Western culinary program with 100 delicious dishes.” Mr. Ho Quang Thong, CEO of Ong De Eco-Tourism Village, also informed us: “The tourist village focuses on the main activities, which are folk games, taking pictures in the studio, and experiencing the local specialties. In addition to creating more games, we are also building a new program “One day being a farmer” for visitors to have more experiences close to the life of farmers in the Southern region”. Huynh Thi Bich Tuyen, owner of Mekong Silt Ecolodge, said: “It is expected that the Orange Countryside will be put into operation this holiday. The Orange Countryside covers an area of ​​about 8,000m2, with many experience activities associated with nature in the direction of linking culture, education with tourism; to bring deeper experiences of Western culture”. Accordingly, the Orange Countryside will have rice fields, rural markets and even houses in the style of the Kinh, Hoa, Cham, and Khmer ethnic groups. A special feature of the Orange Countryside is to stay away from the Internet so that visitors can relax and immerse themselves in real nature”.

Mr. Vo Thanh Giup, Director of the Center for Trade - Tourism Promotion and Monuments Management of Phong Dien district, said: “Currently, we are preparing many new products and services to meet the diverse needs of visitors. We are also focusing on tourism promotion so that tourists near and far can know and come to experience new products and services in Phong Dien district.”

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat







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