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Mindset, actions, and approach must be changed in implementing the resolutions of the Central Committee
Date: 05/06/2024

Mr. Tran Viet Truong, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee of the city, emphasized this at a meeting to assess the implementation of assigned tasks in Resolution No. 59-NQ/TW of the Politburo, Resolution No. 45/2022/NQ-QH of the National Assembly, Resolution No. 98/NQ-CP of the Government, and some key projects in Can Tho City, held on May 28th at the City People's Committee Hall.
Mr. Tran Viet Truong, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee of the city, gave a directive speech at the meeting.

Attending the meeting were also Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hai, Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the City People's Council; Mr. Duong Tan Hien, Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee; Mr. Nguyen Trung Nhan, Member of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the city, along with representatives of relevant departments and agencies.

Reporting on the implementation of the resolutions of the Central Committee regarding the construction and development of Can Tho City until 2030, with a vision to 2045, the leaders of the Planning and Investment Department stated that for the key tasks in implementing Resolution 59-NQ/TW of the Politburo on the construction and development of Can Tho City until 2030, with a vision to 2045, the city has organized the implementation of 11 tasks and is currently organizing the implementation of the remaining 9 tasks. According to Resolution 45/2022/QH15 of the National Assembly on piloting certain mechanisms and policies for the development of Can Tho City, the city has implemented 6 mechanisms and policies and is currently implementing 2 projects. Regarding the key tasks in implementing Resolution 98/NQ-CP of the Government on the government's action program to implement Resolution 59-NQ/TW, the city has organized the implementation or issued specific programs, plans, and projects for 11 out of 20 tasks; 5 out of 20 tasks are currently being implemented, but the progress is slower than required; the ministries and central agencies are currently implementing 4 out of 20 tasks.

Regarding the investment tasks of infrastructure projects implemented by the city, the city has updated and specifically implemented 25 projects, including: 13 projects currently being implemented; 3 projects have been issued investment decisions by the competent authorities, with plans for mid-term public investment capital arrangement, and are currently undergoing procedures and project approval; 7 projects are completing proposal dossiers for investment policies, reviewing investment scales to ensure conditions for implementation, and 2 projects will be implemented after 2024.

Regarding the progress of other tasks assigned by the City People's Committee to departments and agencies for implementation: a total of 35 tasks have been assigned, and as of now, 25 tasks have been implemented or issued as specific programs, projects, and plans for implementation; 8 tasks are currently being implemented, and 2 tasks of specialized agencies are under review, providing recommendations to the City People's Committee on the timeline and content of implementation to ensure suitability to the actual situation.

During the working session, participants focused on discussing, providing suggestions, and proposing directions and solutions to accelerate the progress of implementing the assigned tasks in the resolutions of the Central Committee.

Work session scene

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Tran Viet Truong - Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Committee of the city - emphasized that all three resolutions mentioned above are of great interest and high expectations from the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee, the Party Executive Committee of the city, and the people of Can Tho in order to create momentum for the city's development. However, at this point, the tasks assigned to each agency, unit, and department to implement these resolutions and produce concrete results are still progressing slowly. According to the Chairman of the People's Committee of the city, the primary reason for this is the subjective attitude of the leaders of each agency and unit who have not been determined and resolute in following the guidance; there has been a lack of coordination with the central ministries and departments.

Emphasizing the need to change mindset, actions, methods, and approaches, the Chairman of the People's Committee of the city requested the Vice Chairmen of the People's Committee of the city, members of the People's Committee of the city, leaders of departments and agencies, and the Chairmen of district and provincial People's Committees to review the assigned tasks to assess the progress of implementing the central resolutions, identifying the difficulties and obstacles. In addition, they should review the assigned tasks according to the program and plan of the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee and the People's Committee of the city. Based on that, they should focus and coordinate the effective implementation of the requirements and tasks assigned in accordance with the spirit of the central resolutions.

For tasks that are falling behind schedule, such as the Project on Establishing the Innovation and Creativity Center in Can Tho city, connecting with the National Innovation and Creativity Center; the implementation of the Concentrated Information Technology Zone in Can Tho city; the implementation of the city's planning, including the adjustment of the general planning project, planning of industrial zones and clusters, land use planning for the period 2021 - 2025... The Chairman of the People's Committee of the city requested the heads of the assigned agencies to urgently develop specific action plans and solutions, creating positive and clear progress in the assigned implementation.

Regarding the 14 key projects that have been approved by the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee and are under close monitoring and guidance, the Chairman of the People's Committee of the city requested the agencies assigned with the project investment tasks to promptly develop implementation plans and roadmaps...

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Chi Nguyen







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