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Localities in the western cluster of the Mekong Delta achieved high results in tourism development cooperation
Date: 28/07/2022

On the afternoon of July 22nd, Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city, attended a conference on evaluating the tourism activities in the first six months of 2022 and implementing the direction and tasks of the last six months of the Western Cluster of the Mekong Delta in tourism development.
At the conference.

In the first 6 months of 2022, the Western Cluster of the Mekong Delta including Bac Lieu, An Giang, Kien Giang, Hau Giang, Soc Trang, Ca Mau and Can Tho welcomed over 16 million tourists, an increase of more than 57% over the same period last year. Tourism revenue is estimated at over VND 12 trillion, up 54% over the same period in 2021.

According to the Mekong Delta Tourism Association, from the preliminary results of the first 6 months of 2022, it shows that the cooperation and linkage in tourism development among the provinces and cities in the Western Cluster is improving significantly. This development is extremely practical, suitable to the conditions of each locality, creating favorable conditions for members to participate in joint activities and coordination and association activities of the Cluster.

Tourism activities and events of the cluster improve in terms of quality and quantity. tourism promotion, tourism cooperation and tourism development are focused, attracting the attention of many businesses. many enterprises inside and outside the cooperative cluster participate. This is also an opportunity for localities to participate in promoting and introducing their images, tourism products and typical culture to domestic and foreign tourists.

On this occasion, the participants of the conference offered many solutions on implementing the contents under the Plan of cooperation and association for tourism development in the Western Cluster of the Mekong Delta. They also prepare materials to participate in activities and general events of the Cooperative Cluster and of localities in the Cooperative Cluster…

At the conference, Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city, said that tourism is a general economic sector with the ability to combine interdisciplinary, inter-regional, socialization and international integration with profound cultural content. Tourism development requires the cooperation of state agencies, tourism associations, tourism businesses in order to diversify products, connect tours and inter-regional routes; promote tourism to become a spearhead economic sector of the locality. With the importance of tourism development cooperation, the conference is an opportunity for localities to exchange experiences and propose solutions, tasks and directions in the last 6 months of 2022 to achieve better results, contributing to the economic recovery in the post-COVID-19 period of the Mekong Delta region as well as the provinces in the Western Cluster of the Mekong Delta.

Kim Xuyen - Translated by Hoang Dat







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