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International visitors to Vietnam in 9 months only reach 30% of the target in 2022
Date: 16/10/2022

According to data from the General Statistics Office, in the 9 months of 2022, there were over 1.8 million international arrivals to Vietnam, reaching 30% of the target set for 2022 (5 million arrivals). This result shows that there are still difficulties in attracting international visitors to Vietnam in the post-pandemic context.
International tourists visit Ong Pagoda, Can Tho city.

Korea is the largest tourist market with more than 489,000 arrivals, accounting for 26% of the total number of international visitors to Vietnam; followed by the US and India. The markets also recovered unevenly. Singapore and Laos have their indexes down 20% and 24% respectively over the same period in 2019 (before the pandemic). Meanwhile, the markets of China and Russia are almost frozen. Visitors from Northeast Asia recovered the slowest because many countries still applied strict policies for COVID-19 prevention and control.

The domestic tourism market has fully recovered with 86.8 million arrivals, higher than in 2019 with 85 million arrivals. Total revenue from tourists in the first 9 months of 2022 is estimated at more than 394 trillion VND, reaching 78% over the same period in 2019.

In the Mekong Delta, Can Tho city also shows good signs of tourism recovery. In the first 9 months of 2022, Can Tho welcomed more than 4.3 million visitors, up 111% over the same period in 2021. Accommodation businesses served more than 1.9 million arrivals, up 128% over the same period. Total tourism revenue is estimated at more than 3,095 billion VND, up 135% over the same period, reaching 91.1% of the year plan.

Source: Can Tho News – Translated by Hoang Dat







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