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Can Tho to launch of the 2023 Action Month for Gender Equality
Date: 15/11/2023

On the afternoon of November 14th, the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Can Tho City - the Standing Agency of the Committee for the Advancement of Women of Can Tho City organized the Launch Ceremony of the Action Month for Gender Equality and Prevention and Response to Violence based on Gender in 2023, with the theme "Ensuring Social Security, Enhancing Women's and Girls' Empowerment to Achieve Gender Equality and Eliminate Violence based on Gender".
Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City, spoke at the launching ceremony.

Speaking at the launching ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City, said that in recent years, the work of gender equality in political, economic, labor, employment, health, education fields of the city has achieved positive results. Various levels and sectors, and localities have made great efforts in communication work on gender equality, for the advancement of women. Communication has helped people grasp information, raise awareness, change behaviors, contribute to eliminating prejudices, and move toward substantive gender equality.

In addition to the achievements, according to Mr. Hien, there remain in some places, some families where women and children still suffer many disadvantages and are still subjected to abuse and violence. This requires sectors, levels, agencies, organizations, and people to join hands more strongly to reduce and eventually eliminate such situations.

Representatives attending the launching ceremony.

To achieve positive results in the work of gender equality, in addition to implementing policies and programs to ensure social security, communication work needs to be paid attention to and carried out regularly and long-term from the city to the grassroots level. In particular, "there will be no gender equality if there is no participation of men in household chores and an end to violence against women and children...", Mr. Hien affirmed. In addition, women need to improve their autonomy and determination to participate more actively in socio-economic life fields, while taking the initiative to share and seek help to resolve violence rather than choosing silence.

"A peaceful world without violence, without pandemics, without hunger or poverty, only with justice and overflowing with human affection is the aspiration of everyone. That legitimate aspiration can only soon become a reality if we all work together with full understanding and responsibility to implement gender equality goals, sustainable development goals, and human development", Mr. Hien emphasized.

Ms. Tran Thi Xuan Mai, Director of the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Can Tho City, awarded prizes to groups winning prizes at the online competition "Understanding gender equality laws and prevention and response to violence based on gender in 2023".

The city leaders also proposed that after the launching ceremony of the city, the People's Committees of districts should study organizing the Launch Ceremony of the Action Month for Gender Equality and Prevention and Response to Violence based on Gender in 2023 in accordance with the actual situation in the locality and unit, continuing to communicate and call on society to change existing gender prejudices in social life.

On this occasion, the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Can Tho City organized the summary and award ceremony of the online competition "Understanding gender equality laws and prevention and response to violence based on gender in 2023"; awarded prizes for the competition "Applying information technology in 2023 of the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs".

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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