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Can Tho performs the first successful kidney transplant in the Mekong Delta
Date: 14/05/2024

On May 13th, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien visited Can Tho Central General Hospital and praised the doctors here for successfully conducting a renal transplant for the first time in the Mekong Delta.
Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien awarded the certificate of merit to the representative of Can Tho Central General Hospital on May 13th.

At the meeting, the representative of the Can Tho Department of Health announced the decision to award a Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee to Can Tho Central General Hospital for its outstanding achievements in successfully conducting a kidney transplant for the first time in the Mekong Delta.

On behalf of Can Tho City leaders, Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien extended warm congratulations to the management board, medical staff, and doctors at Can Tho Central General Hospital.

The official said the success of the renal transplant has garnered significant attention throughout the country, particularly among the people of the Mekong Delta region. The international press has also shown great interest in the event. Vice Chairman Hien also expressed his happiness upon learning that the patient's health condition after the transplant is progressing very well, with post-transplant test indicators almost returning to normal levels.

Doctor Nguyen Minh Vu, Director of Can Tho Central General Hospital, said that the successful kidney transplant took the hospital 3 years to prepare.

Vice Chairman Nguyen Thuc Hien expressed his hope that Can Tho Central General Hospital will continue to conduct research and collaborate with other units to successfully perform upcoming kidney transplants, thereby enhancing the reputation of the entire region and the country.

Dr. Nguyen Minh Vu, Director of Can Tho Central General Hospital, mentioned that it took the hospital 3 years to thoroughly prepare for the kidney transplant procedures. The hospital also sent teams, each consisting of 4-5 doctors specializing in anesthesia, resuscitation, kidney transplantation, and internal medicine for training at Cho Ray Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City.

After thorough preparation regarding legal compliance, professional team building, facilities, and equipment, Can Tho Central General Hospital successfully conducted the first kidney transplant on April 25, 2024, with the support of the medical team from Cho Ray Hospital. The success did bring great joy to both hospital teams.

Vice Chairman of Can Tho City People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien sent best wishes to the management board, medical staff, and doctors of Can Tho Central General Hospital.

According to Doctor Pham Thanh Phong, Deputy Director of Can Tho Central General Hospital, Can Tho Central General Hospital has reached a new milestone in healthcare development as they successfully conducted the first kidney transplant in the Mekong Delta. Renal transplant is a specialized technique, usually performed only in large medical centers across the country, requiring high expertise and skill. Implementing this technique necessitates the synchronous development of many specialties: Internal Nephrology - Artificial Nephrology, Nephrology - Urology, Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, Vascular Surgery, and a supporting paraclinical system.

Can Tho City leaders congratulated the management board, medical staff, and doctors of Can Tho Central General Hospital for successfully performing the first kidney transplant in the Mekong Delta.

Additionally, Doctor Pham Thanh Phong has revealed that there are currently 4 other pairs of cases who have registered to undergo kidney donation and transplant procedures at the hospital. These cases are carefully consulted, and screening tests are performed to assess suitability for future organ transplant indications. However, most kidney disease patients are currently facing difficult circumstances, so the hospital is in urgent need of support funds from businesses and philanthropists to join hands in supporting the poor in kidney transplants.

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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