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Can Tho city’s leaders received and worked with Korea - Asia Economic Cooperation Association (KOAECA)
Date: 20/06/2022

On the afternoon of June 17th, Mr. Tran Viet Truong, Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city, had a working session with Mr. Lee Nam Kee, Chairman of the Korea - Asia Economic Cooperation Association (KOAECA) on logistics and hi-tech agriculture cooperation.
Mr. Tran Viet Truong, Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city, spoke at the meeting

At the meeting, the two sides discussed the implementation of the recent cooperation agreement which includes the investment in a 1,000-ha airport city a logistics center for linkage, production, processing, and consumption of agricultural products in the region, a grade-II logistics center in Cai Cui port and the organization of a business forum in September 2022.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Tran Viet Truong, Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city, highly appreciated KOAECA's cooperation in promoting and implementing the signed contents. Can Tho city identify Korea as a strategic partner and KOAECA will support Can Tho to attract more Korean investors to the city.

At the meeting

Besides, Chairman Tran Viet Truong suggested KOAECA promote the city’s image and invite Korean businesses to research, survey, and invest in Can Tho city in the fields of high-tech industry, logistics, commerce, and smart cities, thereby helping Can Tho accelerate its development. Leaders of Can Tho city will create favorable conditions for Korean investors.

Mr. Lee Nam Kee, Chairman of KOAECA expressed his thanks for the cooperation of Can Tho city in implementing the signed agreement. He also informed the leaders of Can Tho city the initial results of the implementation of the cooperation agreement in the past month. Mr. Lee Nam Kee will make efforts to introduce Korean investors in accordance with Can Tho city’s demands and promote cooperation connections between the Republic of Korea and Can Tho city.

Regarding the Korea-Mekong Cooperation Forum, Chairman Tran Viet Truong wished that KOAECA would support Can Tho city to introduce Korean investors. Moreover, a Working Group will be set up to coordinate with KOAECA to prepare the Forum and prepare information on the implementation of the planning. In addition, Chairman Tran Viet Truong hoped to promote the implementation of the Can Tho - Incheon/Korea route.

Source: Phuong Thao - Translated by Hoang Dat







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