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Can Tho city promotes tourism in Hanoi
Date: 24/10/2022

On October 20th, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city held a conference themed “Can Tho – the city in the river region” to promote tourism in Hanoi.
The exhibition space of Can Tho products at the conference. Photo: Tourism Development Center of Can Tho city

The conference was organized to introduce and promote the image of Can Tho tourism, continue to develop the key tourism market, and increase the number of tourists between the two regions; at the same time, maintain and develop the round flight routes Can Tho - Ha Noi. It is also an opportunity for tourism businesses of cities to exchange information, introduce tourism products and services, connect tours, look for partners, and sign cooperation on tourism development between Can Tho and the Northern region.

Delegates visiting the exhibition space of Can Tho at the conference (Photo: Tourism Development Center of Can Tho city)

Within the framework of the conference, delegates were presented with a general introduction of Can Tho tourism; tourism products of tourism enterprises… an exhibition space to introduce typical tourism products of Can Tho, tourism gifts, specialties, OCOP products, displaying beautiful tourist photos….

On this occasion, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city and the Department of Tourism of Hanoi city signed a cooperation agreement on tourism development.

In addition, the delegation of Can Tho city also organized a survey of some typical tourism products of Hanoi and Ninh Binh in order to learn and exchange experiences in tourism development between localities.

Source: Can Tho News – Translated by Hoang Dat







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