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Can Tho city in preparation for Agritechnica Asia Live 2022
Date: 19/08/2022

On the afternoon of August 15th, the leader of the People's Committee of Can Tho city and representatives of relevant departments and agencies had a working session with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and the German Agricultural Association (DLG) to host the Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 event with the theme “Synchronized mechanization towards sustainable agriculture”, taking place in Can Tho city from August 24th to August 26th.
Mr. Nguyen Ngoc He, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city spoke at the meeting.

Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 is an international event held annually in Asian countries, aiming to promote sustainable agriculture through the application of advanced and modern technological solutions.

Previously, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development approved the project of organizing the AGRITECHNICA ASIA Live 2022 event with the theme “Synchronized mechanization towards sustainable agriculture”, in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and the German Agricultural Association (DLG).

The project aims to create an environment for farmers to quickly and effectively access the modern technologies; scale the application of 4.0 agriculture and smart technologies through live demonstrations of mechanization and digital agriculture; strengthen agricultural application capacity 4.0 through the PPP forum to exchange knowledge and experiences between Asian countries and other partners in the agricultural value chain. Additionally, the event's participants will propose policies and roadmap for the application of technology towards sustainable agricultural economic transformation, appropriate to the actual context of each field and each country.

The event is expected to attract about 2,000 international and domestic delegates. The main activities at the event, including: Opening ceremony of the event; connection night; operation of advanced and modern machinery, equipment applied in sustainable agricultural production, smart rice farming models, demonstration of bio-fertilizer; … Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute has prepared approximately 20 hectares of fields, with 9 models with the participation from 8 demonstrators

At the Agricultural Extension Centers in the Mekong Delta region, 25 models and extension projects have been demonstrated in the fields of cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, aquatic products, etc. on a scale of more than 2,074 hectares.

Accompanying the demonstration of experimental mechanization in the field was a series of international workshops and thematic workshops on namely Synchronous mechanization towards sustainable agriculture, the summary of the CORIGAP program, consultation for constructing a Center for Mechanization in the Mekong Delta, mechanizing fruit production in Tien Giang province and mechanizing production, farming, and fishing in Soc Trang province. This series of workshops will take place from August 22 to August 25, 2022.

At the meeting, Mr. Le Quoc Thanh - Director of the National Center for Agricultural Extension, Head of the Event Organizing Committee - said that the preparations for the event are being implemented urgently by the Organizing Committee, and suggested that all preparations for the event must be considerate and thorough to ensure a successful event. He said that this is also an opportunity for participants to quickly and effectively access modern technologies. The event will also create a playground for domestic and foreign businesses to promote products, modern technology, as well as promote exchange and cooperation in the field of agriculture.

Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman Nguyen Ngoc He asked departments, agencies and People's Committees of districts (Ninh Kieu, Thoi Lai) to closely follow the content, program and plan of the Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 event that has been approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to propagate and coordinate to successfully organize this important international event of special significance in the area of ​​Can Tho city. The Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho city also suggested that there must be coordination between agencies to welcome foreign delegates and international organizations to the event; strengthen information and propaganda about events associated with introducing and promoting tourist attractions and OCOP products of Can Tho city and other provinces in the Mekong Delta; promote propaganda, mobilize businesses, cooperatives, farmers with machinery and equipment to participate in demonstrations and displays at the event...

The upcoming Agritechnica Asia Live 2022 event will be strong message, calling for the entire political system to get involved in the common goal of building ecological agriculture, modern countryside, smart farmers, towards sustainable development.

Thanh Xuan - Translated by Hoang Dat







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