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Can Tho and Taiwan promote investment cooperation
Date: 23/03/2023

On the afternoon of March 22, Mr. Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of Can Tho Municipal People's Committee, hosted a reception for a delegation from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Ho Chi Minh City led by Director General Han Kuo Yao.
Can Tho city’s leaders and the delegation from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Ho Chi Minh City

At the reception, Vice Chairman of Can Tho Municipal People's Committee Nguyen Thuc Hien talked about Can Tho’s potential and strengths to Taiwanese businesses. 

Currently, Can Tho city has attracted 5 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects from Taiwan with a total investment of nearly 15,5 million USD. Can Tho city has had a direct flight route to Taipei since January 2020, thereby contributing to increasing the number of tourists to Taiwan and Can Tho city in the past time.

Vice Chairman Nguyen Thuc Hien hopes the TECO in Ho Chi Minh City would be a bridge between Can Tho and Taiwanese investors, especially in the fields of information technology, electronics industry, mechanical engineering, agricultural processing, hi-tech agriculture, health care, education, and tourism. Moreover, Vice Chairman Nguyen Thuc Hien wishes to receive support from Director General Han Kuo Yao and Taiwanese authorities to host a Tourism Promotion Conference in Taiwan in the third quarter of 2023.

At the meeting, Director General Han Kuo Yao thanked Can Tho city leaders for the warm welcome. For his part, Mr. Han Kuo Yao pledged to enhance cooperation in areas Can Tho city’s leaders suggested. He also expressed his appreciation to Can Tho authorities for creating favorable conditions for the cooperation between Taiwan and Can Tho, especially for supporting Taiwanese businesses with visas, and work permits.

Mr. Han Kuo Yao also requested that Can Tho authorities promptly inform about new or revised legal regulations for Taiwanese businesses working in Can Tho city, introduce preferential investment policies, and support Taiwanese businesses on investment procedures to reduce related costs. He hoped that the leaders of Can Tho city would continue to support and create favorable conditions for Taiwanese businesses to operate effectively, ensure full compliance with legal regulations, and make positive contributions to the locality.

* The TECO in Ho Chi Minh City is the consular representative office of Taiwan (China) in Southern Vietnam to support and promote exchanges and cooperation between Vietnamese localities and Taiwan.

Kim Xuyen - Translated by Hoang Dat







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