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Tam giác mạch (Buckwheat flower) Farm - a weekend destination in Can Tho city
Date: 01/04/2022

In operation for more than a year, Tam giác mạch (Buckwheat flower) Farm (45 Truong Vinh Nguyen, Thuong Thanh Ward, Cai Rang District) has gradually become a weekend destination favored by many families and young people because of its distinctive features.
Rabbit Island is popular among families with young children

Tam giác mạch (Buckwheat flower) Farm covers an area of around 8000 square meters. Currently, the Buckwheat flower Farm is more expanded and divided into 3 areas namely the rabbit island, cornfield, and buckwheat flower farm. Buckwheat flowers are the typical feature of the farm. Originally, this flower grows in the Northwest mountains and is usually in full bloom from November to December when the weather is fairly cold and chilly. However, this flower was brought back to Can Tho and planted by Mr. Do Duc Trong, owner of Tam giác mạch (Buckwheat flower) Farm. Accordingly, this is considered the first buckwheat flower farm in Can Tho city, which often attracts many visitors during Tet. Mrs. Tran Thi Hong Cuc, a tourist from Hau Giang province, said: “Instead of going to Ha Giang to see this flower, now I come to Can Tho which is much closer so I can take many beautiful photos. Not only buckwheat flower but there are also other beautiful flowers.”

At Tam giác mạch (Buckwheat flower) Farm, there are also many miniatures typical of the Southern countryside. Coming here, you can see many unique flowers such as pure white buckwheat flower, colorful Cosmos flower, and so on. In particular, this place also has a unique cornfield and a coriander flower garden where visitors can take beautiful photos.

Another interesting zone that is popular among many tourists when visiting Tam giác mạch (Buckwheat flower) Farm is the rabbit island. A small dune with green bamboo located in the middle of the lake - where rabbits freely play, has become a favorite space for families with young children. Here, the youngsters can have fun with cute rabbits like feeding and taking beautiful pictures with them. Mrs. Le Thi Bao Tran said: “My house is near the Farm, so sometimes on weekends I bring my kids here to have breakfast and drink coffee, then go to the garden to play as an extracurricular activity. The space here is cool, close to nature, children can play freely.”

Tam giác mạch (Buckwheat flower) Farm is now popular as a weekend meeting place for many families with young children. This farm is not only beautiful but also has many activities in harmony with nature, suitable for young people to have fun.

Source: Can Tho News – Translated by Hoang Dat







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