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Vietnam to honour remarkable TV programmes and art shows for the community
Date: 28/09/2021

Recently, there have been many outstanding programmes and art shows that not only entertain the audience but also spread meaningful and positive messages to the public. As a result, the public's requirements are also higher for artists, journalists, producers, etc.
Classical Vietnamese opera artist Phuong Anh, the main character in the documentary film “The Glorious Pain”, is in the top 5 of the “Impressive documentary” category - VTV Awards 2021.

This is most clearly shown through the change of the Golden Apricot Blossom Awards 2021 (held by Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper) and the impressive VTV Awards 2021.

Regarding the Golden Apricot Blossom Awards, the Arts Council and Board of Organizers suggested that there should be awards to honor TV programmes and art shows serving the community during the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic period besides 12 familiar categories like previous seasons. In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has heavily affected many areas of life, including art and culture. Despite that fact, many artists and producers have tried to adapt to difficult circumstances and are dedicated to serving and helping the community. Series of TV programmes such as “Thành phố 18h” (HCMC at 6pm), “Cảm ơn những điều phi thường” (Thanks for the Extraordinary), “Sing for life - Sing for love”, “San sẻ yêu thương - vượt qua đại dịch” (Sharing love - Overcoming the pandemic)… show positive effects. According to the Board of Organizers, the awards for TV programmes and art shows are mainly to honor the efforts of artists for the community, not for competition.

The VTV Awards is an annual event held by Vietnam Television to honor impressive television products, dramas, hosts, artists, figures, programs aired on its network and attracted a large audience. 5 out of 11 categories of the VTV Awards 2021 demonstrate that the humanistic values - a sense of community - viral message are becoming popular. An honorable mention is Miss H'Hen Niê who has actively participated in social activities when the COVID-19 developments remain complicated in Ho Chi Minh City. As a result, Miss H'Hen Niê has entered the nomination for Impressive Artist at VTV Awards 2021. The top 5 nominations for the “Impressive Topical Image” are also touching images such as “Cái vẫy tay của sự đùm bọc” (The hand-waving of care), “Sạt lở đất kinh hoàng ở Trà Leng” (The horrifying landslide at Trà Leng), “Dấu ấn 85 ngày thay đổi số phận Song Nhi” (The mark of 80 days changed lives of the Nhi twins) and so on.

A typical example is the film “The Glorious Pain” which entered the top 5 nominations for the “Impressive documentary” - VTV Awards 2021. This film is about the life of the classical Vietnamese opera artist Phuong Anh and her daughter, in Binh Thuy District, Can Tho City. The film has no dialogue, only the humanistic and painful images of a lifelong artist who leaves many people in tears for her devotion and talent. In the “Impressive TV Presenter” category, editor Tuan Duong entered the top 5 when hosting the program “Vietnam today”. During the broadcast about the losses and casualties caused by storms and floods in Central Vietnam at the end of 2020, Tuan Duong burst into tears right after recording, thus evoking sympathy in viewers.

It can be seen clearly that modern entertainment and Tv programmes with the support from advanced technologies are approaching viewers more efficiently. It is a paradoxical but reasonable idea that the more modern, the more natural, honest, and topical the audience needs both in terms of art and Tv programmes. Audiences seem to be bored with lavish stages, splendid costumes, cumbersome dances, or clichéd TV shows. Now, they increasingly demand something realistic, interactive, and humanistic. The cultural and artistic awards are changing also from adapting to the needs of the public.

Obviously, the change from both sides is helping art shows and TV programs to become more and more complete and community-oriented.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat

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