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Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day
Date: 09/11/2021

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has signed Decision No.1862/QD-TTg on the organizing of Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day annually on a national scale on April 21st
Developing reading habits in families, schools, agencies, and organizations; contributing to building a learning society.

The Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day, which is held annually on a national scale on April 21st, aims to affirm the role and importance of books in improving knowledge, skills, and thinking as well as educating the human personality. Moreover, the day is expected to encourage and develop the reading movement among the community, contributing to building a learning society.

In addition, the Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day aims to honor readers, authors, publishers, printers, and libraries that make an effort to preserve, collect and promote books as well as organizations and individuals who significantly contribute to the development of a reading culture in the community.

The Ministry of Information and Communications is responsible for hosting and coordinating the event with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in order to guide the relevant agencies and centrally-run provinces and cities annually in an effective and economical manner.

The Vietnam Publishing Association and Vietnam Library Association will direct their member organizations to organize activities in response to the Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day.

Vietnam Television (VTV), The Voice of Vietnam (VOA), Vietnam News Agency (VNA), together with central and local press agencies are responsible for propagandizing the annual event as well as the general development of a reading culture in the community.

Decision 1862/QD-TTg takes effect from the date of signing and replaces Decision No. 284/QD-TTg dated February 24th, 2014 of the Prime Minister on Vietnam Book Day.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat

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