Culture and Beliefs

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Spread positive energy in the community
Date: 10/09/2021

“Writers and artists across the country have contributed significantly to Vietnam’s pandemic success. They are the “soldiers” on the cultural “front”. Furthermore, it is they who created and promoted many literary and artistic works that convey meaningful messages, raise public awareness on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, and spread positive energy in the community.
Painter Trần Quý Thuận (Cần Thơ) has released many meaningful works about the recent battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. In the photo: Painter Trần Quý Thuận is completing his painting “Thương lắm Việt Nam” (My dear Vietnam)

That message is included in the official dispatch of the Central Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam to the Party Personnel Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, The Vietnam Union of Literary and Arts Associations, and other relevant agencies on promoting propaganda against the COVID-19 pandemic as well as creating artworks on the COVID-19 prevention and control, especially the implementation of 5K message and vaccination. Responding to this call, the Vietnam Union of Literary and Arts Associations together with artists across the country have presented impressive artworks to the public, promoting the spirit of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.

Writers and artists support the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic

In order to encourage artists and writers, the Vietnam Union of Literary and Arts Associations has organized many campaigns and contests on the topic of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.

The Department of Culture and Sports of Hồ Chí Minh City launched a campaign named “Chung một niềm tin chiến thắng” (the belief in victory over the pandemic) for the creation, staging, and dissemination of literary and artistic works on the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. The entries, which must be created between August 2019 and November 2021, can be sent to the organizing board from August 1st, 2021. As in the most dangerous position during the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, Hồ Chí Minh City wishes to disseminate literary and artistic works to spread wonderful, righteous values to the public and raise public awareness on pandemic prevention and control. The campaign covers seven fields, including literature, music, stage, dance, photography, fine arts, and cinema.

The Vietnam Dance Artists Association has also launched a campaign on the topic of COVID-19 prevention and control. People's Artist Phạm Anh Phương, President of the Vietnam Dance Artists Association, said: “There are many impressive, emotional images and stories regarding the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic that have a strong impact on us. Specifically, those are the doctors and nurses, the armed forces on the front lines day and night, fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic; the acts of kindness and mutual love to guide each other through the pandemic, etc. Therefore, we call on our members in the Vietnam Dance Artists Association to create artistic works to encourage the spirit of battling against the COVID-19 pandemic”. Merited Artist Huỳnh Nhật Danh, Chairman of the Dance Artists Association in Can Tho city, said: “We encourage dance artists in Can Tho city to actively choreograph and design dances to promptly serve the public. This is also the passion and motivation of the artists.”

Additionally, the Vietnam Association Of Photographic Artists has organized an online photo exhibition with the theme “Moments from the heart”. The exhibition focuses on introducing images of groups and individuals with beautiful, practical, and meaningful actions, frontline soldiers, typical examples in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and so on. The entries can be sent to the Organizing Board via the website:, from now until the end of February 15th, 2022.

Many other associations specialized in literature, theater, fine arts, cinema… have also encouraged their members to actively participate in producing literary and artistic works on the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Like touching the artists' hearts, more and more impressive artistic works are born and become well-received by the public. Even in Can Tho city, many writers and artists have also joined the battle against COVID-19 pandemic with their works such as Nguyễn Trung Nguyên (Traditional flok music), Hồ Hoàng (New music), Huệ Thi, Ðặng Tuyết (Poetry), Trần Quý Thuận (art), etc.

Encourage members to create more artistic works

Not only launching campaigns, the Vietnam Union of Literary and Arts Associations also have good ways to encourage members to create more artistic works.

The Vietnam Association Of Photographic Artists has just sent an official dispatch to the Steering Committees for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in some localities, on proposing to vaccinate against COVID-19 for members residing in the area. According to artist Trần Thị Thu Ðông, President of the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists, due to the specificity of their profession, photographers have to travel a lot and interact with many people, so we suggested that localities give priority to members of the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists for vaccination. Receiving this information, photographer Bá Thi (Trà Vinh) said happily: “Vaccine for the mind is even greater. Thank you the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists for taking care of members in a timely manner!”.

People's Artist Phạm Anh Phương, Chairman of the Vietnam Dance Artists Association, sent a letter of encouragement to all members who not only actively create wonderful artistic works, but also did not forget to protect themselves and their families, comply with 5K message, and the national regulations on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control. “The extended COVID-19 curbs has greatly affected people's life, work, and income. I wish that the members in the Vietnam Dance Artists Association should always care for each other and help those in more difficult circumstances”, People's Artist Pham Phạm Anh Phương shared his thought.

The Executive Board of the Vietnam Writers’ Association called on organizations, agencies, individuals, and members of the Vietnam Writers’ Association to support members who live in areas with complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic and face difficulties, inconveniences. The Executive Board of the Vietnam Writers’ Association is committed to publicity, transparency, effectiveness in using the donations for the right purposes.


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The whole country joined hands to repel the COVID-19 pandemic with the spirit of “fighting the pandemic like fighting the enemy”. Writers and artists are no exception, they actively use their forte and talent to contribute to promoting the spirit of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat

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