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Smile - a Southern culture
Date: 20/12/2022

The personality of the Southern people is often generalized as diligent, hard-working, eager to do business, and very honest and simple. In particular, the Southern people are funny and optimistic with an interesting culture expressed through smiles.
Kind smile of Southern women. Photosource: Kieu Mai

Southerners often make big laugh when having fun, when gather together. But when they disagree, they also laugh, but it's a very specific smile that if you are not a person living in the South, it is difficult to understand the full meaning. 

In the section "laughing", Mr. Huynh Tinh Cua explained in his autobiography: “It is a way of opening your mouth, moving your lips with or without sound, showing that you are happy or mean something. It also means to criticize". But it should also be noted that, laughing - especially for Southerners - depending on the mood before each event, people have different expressions, not necessarily when they laugh, they "Open mouth, move lips". For example smiling, smiling by nose, chuckling… Laughing is also a way to express the emotional state of love, sadness, anger, and hate. 

Southerners have countless expressions of laughter and the meaning of each smile. The kind of cheerful, relaxed laughs are laugh happily, laugh to death, laugh out loud, crunchy laugh, big laugh, bright laugh, crazy laugh, carefree laugh, laugh contentedly, laugh back and forth, grin laugh,... There are laughs to describe the ungainly laugh. There is another way of saying and meaning of laughing but trying to hide it, or with hidden meanings, like chuckle, sneer, laugh awkwardly, laugh socially, laugh shyly, ... With things that are not laughable but still laugh, there are tear laugh, dry laughs, forced laugh, half-smiles, fake smile... Laughing with disparagement, ridicule, contempt, anger, and threat, there are arrogant laugh, sneer laugh, scornful laugh, mockery, laught in behind,...

From that, it can be said that every laugh has a reason. Laugh, in addition to the purpose of entertaining, creating pleasure for yourself and others; also express sympathy, praise, or criticize express displeasure, even lash out! All of them carry a lot of meaning, very profound, not just a monotonous laugh. Of the many types of laughter mentioned above, every laugh is very cultural, even the one that is considered "uncharacteristic" because after all, the recognition of that laugh is not necessarily meaningless. 

It is enough to note in Southerners that their smiles show a very rich and diverse emotional attitude. It is not surprising that every smile is sharp but very gentle - so gentle that many people mistakenly think that Southerners only laugh just for laugh! Southerners have equally profound smiles, but they show a very high spirit of construction, sincerity, not aversion, and they often say to each other: "Laugh at other people don't laugh for a long time, laugh at people for today and the next day they laugh at you back".

In short, the laughter of the Southern people is not only "laugh for fun" or "laughing a bit" but almost all of their smiles are more or less thoughtful and profound. It is correct to say that: "The laughter of the Southerners does not belong to the ability to think but to the personality expressed through the way of thinking" (Huynh Cong Tin, Lotus Magazine). That personality was formed through the influence of the geo-political and geo-cultural position of a land that created a unique feature in the character of the South.

Talking and laughing of the Southerners is also an art: "If a husband is angry, his wife will mitigate / Smile, what are you angry about?". In that sense, what is recorded in this article is to understand more about a culture and apply it correctly.

Source: Can Tho News - Translated by Hoang Dat

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