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Phong Dien: Towards green and sustainable tourism
Date: 08/03/2023

Green, sustainable tourism, and health tourism are currently tourists’ favorite tourism trends. Phong Dien district (Can Tho city) has great potential in these types of tourism and is experiencing outstanding development, especially in recent years.
Tourists took photos at “granny's house” in Rach Sao Eco Garden.

Mr. Le Thanh Tung, Head of the Culture and Information Office of Phong Dien district, said: “On average, 1-2 new tourist attractions are born in Phong Dien District every year, and they are all oriented towards green and sustainable tourism. In the development orientation of Phong Dien District, we also determined to develop sustainable eco-tourism. Phong Dien currently has 65 tourist attractions and historical-cultural relics, of which eco-gardens and eco-tourism areas account for more than 66%. Moreover, Phong Dien has three typical tourist destinations at the regional level and five typical tourist destinations at the municipal level recognized by the Mekong Delta Tourism Association and the Can Tho City Tourism Association, respectively.

In recent years, Phong Dien District has invested in establishing new tourist destinations with very clear ecological and health-oriented orientations. Specifically, tourist areas, such as Mekong Silt Ecolodge, Can Tho Eco Resort, Rach Sao Eco Garden, and Phi Yen eco-tourism area..., all focus on green space and fruitful orchards. Owner of Mekong Silt Ecolodge Huynh Thi Bich Tuyen, said: “We focus on green space and local culture. Therefore, when building tourist attractions, we will retain the most natural things such as gardens, ponds, and canals ... thus giving visitors the feeling of a rustic and friendly Southern village”. Sharing the same opinion, owner of Phi Yen eco-tourism area Ngo Trong Phu, said: “We keep the natural space of green garden almost intact. Visitors coming here can clearly see the ditches interwoven with orchards, which is the traditional feature of the Southwestern region”.

Rach Sao Eco Garden, a new tourist area that has recently opened, also follows green tourism. It covers an area of 4 hectares, surrounded by a luxuriant orchard full of fruit all year round. The highlight of Rach Sao Eco Garden is the canal located in the middle of the resort and the thatch-roofed houses in the old Southern style. According to the resort's owner, those are the “granny's houses".

Deputy Director of Vietravel Can Tho Luong Thi Quynh said: “Tourist destinations such as Can Tho Eco Resort, Phi Yen eco-tourism area are located right on the main roads which are very convenient for large vehicles. Recently, the tourist attractions of Phong Dien have all invested in space, facilities, and services, and made good use of their advantages, and beautiful gardens. Rach Sao Eco Garden also has a very beautiful green space, but it is in need of more services, and a convenient route for better transportation”. From her perspective, if travel businesses want to attract tourists, they need to focus on a number of issues such as specific products, diverse services, convenient transportation, etc.

Mr. Vo Thanh Giup, Director of the Center for Trade Promotion - Tourism and Management of Monuments of Phong Dien district, said: “Over the past time, tourist areas and attractions in the district have been constantly developed and renovated. The products are also invested in the direction of eco-tourism, green and sustainable tourism. In the coming time, we will continue to accompany travel businesses to innovate and perfect their tourism products to meet the diverse needs of the customers. In addition, we will strengthen tourism promotion in a more diversified and professional manner. We will also promote linkages and investment cooperation toward sustainable tourism development.

Phong Dien is one of the districts with outstanding tourism growth in Can Tho city in the past 3 years. This district has also formed many eco-tourism areas that are well-invested, well-organized, and in line with the city’s orientations of green and sustainable tourism.

According to the Center for Trade – Tourism Promotion and Monument Management of Phong Dien district, in 2022, Phong Dien welcomed nearly 1.4 million visitors (15,600 foreign tourists), an increase of 115% over the same period last year. Total revenue from tourism reached over VND 445 billion, up 136% over the same period last year. It is expected that in 2023, Phong Dien district will welcome about 2 million visitors (international visitors account for about 10%), of which 90,000 stay-over guests.

Source: Can Tho News – Translated by Hoang Dat







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